
Elephant meat distributed to farms

2021-04-28 - Windhoek, Namibia. Arlana Shikongo

THE meat of a 'problem' elephant that was trophy-hunted on Sunday has been distributed among farmers and farmworkers in the Otavi area. Romeo Muyunda, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, yesterday confirmed this. The elephant was made available to be trophy-hunted, much to the dismay of some environmental groups and conservationists, as it was reported to be causing havoc on farms between Otjiwarongo and Otavi.

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Botswana allows hunting of 287 elephants

2021-04-06 - Gabarone, Botswana.

Botswana's authorities have issued 287 elephant-hunting licences as the hunting season resumed after it was suspended last year due to the pandemic. Hunters may shoot 287 elephants this season, Director of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Kabelo Senyatso said in an interview. The hunting season runs from April 6 to September 21.

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World’s Biggest Elephant Herd Opened for Hunters to Kill 287

2021-03-24 - Gaborone, Botswana.

Botswana is offering rights to shoot 287 elephants as the southern African country, which has the world’s biggest population of the animals, tries to breathe life into a hunting industry stalled by the Covid-19 outbreak. Botswana’s neighbors including South Africa and Zimbabwe allow elephant hunting. The hunting season will begin April 6.

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Elephants face slaughter in Save Valley

2016-04-30 - Chiredzi, Zimbabwe.

ABOUT 300 elephants and some lions could be culled — reduced in population through selective slaughter — in the Save Valley Conservancy amid reports that the large number of animals at the conservancy in the South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe is destroying the area’s biodiversity in the wake of the El Nino-induced drought that has hit the country.

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Kill the elephants, now! Mpumalanga villagers feast on Kruger escapees

2016-01-25 - Mpumalanga, South Africa.

Villagers wielding pangas, grinders and knives slaughtered three elephants that were shot dead in Mpumalanga after escaping from the Kruger National Park. An African Eye News Service reporter witnessed armed rangers from the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) trying to calm residents of Matsulu outside Mbombela last week. The impatient residents, who had arrived on the scene with empty buckets, wanted the rangers to kill the elephants immediately.

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Botswana: A missed opportunity on elephants

2013-11-24 - Gaborone, Botswana.

When word started getting around that Botswana is to host an emergency African Elephant Summit on December 2-4, 2013, residents of Chobe and Ngamiland naturally started rekindling hope that finally the elephant problem is being addressed. It, therefore, comes as a shock that the Botswana government has missed this rare opportunity to include the concern of over-population into the agenda of the forthcoming emergency elephant summit.

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To Cull or not to Cull?

2013-11-01 - Colombo, Sri Lanka. Srilal Miththapala

Charles Santiapillai, recently penned an article about the perpetrated suggestion to cull Sri Lankan elephants; this has caused considerable concern and debate among a wide cross section of people. Firstly,one must establish the context in which this statement was supposed to have been made, by the eminent Indian Elephant Expert Ajay Desai during a recent lecture in Sri Lanka.

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Mulling over culling of elephants in Sri Lanka

2013-10-26 - Colombo, Sri Lanka. Charles Santiapillai & S. Wijeyamohan

In 2012, a total of 252 elephant deaths were reported from Sri Lanka. In the same year, 66 people were killed by wild elephants. Thus it appears that in Sri Lanka, annually about 100 to 120 animals may be killed deliberately in the human-elephant conflict. The pocketed elephants can be captured and relocated to other Range States so that they can still live in the wild, and a few could even be maintained in well managed zoological gardens and safari parks. Thus culling of elephants is not an opt...

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Plan to kill elephants stirs outrage

2010-03-08 - Pretoria, South Africa.

Animal Rights Africa and the DA have lambasted a top official in the department of environmental affairs for suggesting that culling some of the countrys elephants was "inevitable". Fundisile Mketeni, the departments deputy director-general for biodiversity and conservation, told parliaments portfolio committee on environmental affairs last week that the growing elephant population was a threat to national parks.

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British kill entire elephant herd. Hunting parties are paying out thousands to kill elephants, including calves, in Zimbabwe

Benjamin Chang, who shot three elephants, said the meat was given to villagers

2009-01-18 - , Zimbabwe. Daniel Foggo

BRITISH hunters, including a prominent Harley Street surgeon, have been paying the Zimbabwean authorities thousands of pounds each to take part in a mass elephant cull. They are among groups of hunters who have been permitted to track and kill whole herds, including their calves, before taking photographs of themselves with the carcasses. Rumours that Zimbabwe was culling its population of 80,000-100,000 elephants have been circulating for some time, but definitive proof that foreigners have bee...

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