
Jack the elephant bull (27) has moved from Basel Zoo and returned home to Sosto Zoo in Hungary.

2020-10-22 - Sosto, Hungary.

Jack moved into the new, recently opened Tembea elephant enclosure in May 2017. He spent three and a half years at Basel Zoo. Last Tuesday, he returned to Hungary as agreed. There were no offspring born during his stay – even though he had some encounters with Basel Zoo’s females, none of them became pregnant.

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First ever African elephant born in Hungary

2007-09-05 - Sostoi ut, Hungary.

An elephant has been born in Hungary for the first time in 50 years at the Nyíregyháza Zoo Tuesday afternoon. Zoo Director László Gajdos said that this is also the first African elephant to be born in the country, as all previous elephant babies were Indian. The mother elephant, Yoki, arrived at the zoo from Israel last year. A few months ago, her pregnancy was revealed in a laboratory in Berlin. Yesterday afternoon, Yoki was walking in her runner when an attendant noticed that her water had...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Sostoi ut2007-09-05 - Sostoi ut, Hungary - First ever African elephant born in Hungary

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