
DNA research supports captive breeding programmes in zoos

2020-09-29 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dr. M (Mirte) Bosse

Researchers from the Animal Breeding and Genomics group at Wageningen University & Research now join forces with studbook keepers from Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp) by performing DNA research to facilitate proper management of captive populations. In a recent kickoff meeting both institutions laid the foundation for future collaborative research.

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A new four generation elephant baby born in Netherlands

2013-08-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The female Asian elephant baby was born this morning at 5 AM at the outside habitat. Mother is Throng Nhi born 2003 in Rotterdam (her father Alexander was born 1978 in Tel Aviv Zoo), father is Timber. Timber was born in Rotterdam 1998, Timbers father Ramon was born 1970 in Hannover Zoo, Germany.

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2011 Elephant and Rhino Research and Conservation Symposium

2011-10-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The Rotterdam Zoo in association with the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) would like to invite you to participate in the 2011 Elephant and Rhino Research and Conservation Symposium scheduled for October 10-14, 2011 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This year IEF welcomes to the elephant symposium our colleagues working with all species of rhinos, both in human care and in the wild. Elephants and rhinos face similar problems in the wild (habitat loss and poaching), and many animal managers, ...

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Elephant born in Rotterdam Zoo

2010-07-21 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Rotterdam´s Blijdorp Zoo has announced the welcome addition of another elephant. The calf weighed in at 75 kilograms which zoo authorities say is "on the small side". Despite this, the baby was up on its feet and suckling less than two hours after birth.

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Unborn elephant in Blijdorp (Rotterdam Zoo) probably dead

2008-01-02 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Martijn Fabrie, Netherlands

The unborn child of elephantmother Irma of Zoo Blijdorp isn't likely to live anymore. Employees of the zoo in Rotterdam were counting of a birth around the Christmas and New Year days, but they think the calf is dead by now. Last Friday the the membranes of Irma broke. Normally the delivery will begin and within 48 hours the calf is born. The contractions however didn't start, even after the vetenarian had given her stimulating medicines and massaging the birthchannel.

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Art project vandalised in Rotterdam. A painted elephant sculpture, part of an art project to raise money for threatened elephants in Thailand and India, was vandalised on Sunday night.

2007-09-04 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.

One of some 30 elephant sculptures embellishing the centre of Rotterdam was badly vandalised late Sunday night. As yet unidentified persons pulled the painted elephant from its pedestal causing the legs to break. Holes were also made in the elephant’s body. “We assume that they have been dancing and jumping on the elephant,” said Mike Spits, the person who took the initiative for the art project on Monday.

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Photo: © Petra Prager, Berlin

Asian elephant bull Alexander relocated from Rotterdam Zoo Netherlands, to Antwerp Zoo, Belgium.

2007-04-18 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dan Koehl

The bull Alexander born 1978 in Ramat Gan Zoo Israel (Motek x Warda) was relocated 17th April with police escort from Diergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam to three waiting females in Antwerp Zoo. All three cows are proven breeders, one even had twins.

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Baby Elephant Trong Nhi   drinking in Blijdorp Zoo

Rotterdam Zoo celebrating its 10th elephant baby

2006-05-13 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Mafootje

On may 13 at 11:30 a female elephant was born in Rotterdam. She was up on her feet in 3 minutes and was born in between the elephant group. For the mother Douanita this is the first living young she has had, but it's the tenth birth of an elephant in this Rotterdam Zoo. The elephant is named Trong Nhi after a famous Vietnamese female leader.

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8 Headlines about Elephants from Rotterdam2020-09-29 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - DNA research supports captive breeding programmes in zoos 2013-08-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - A new four generation elephant baby born in Netherlands 2011-10-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - 2011 Elephant and Rhino Research and Conservation Symposium 2010-07-21 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Elephant born in Rotterdam Zoo 2008-01-02 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Unborn elephant in Blijdorp (Rotterdam Zoo) probably dead 2007-09-04 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Art project vandalised in Rotterdam. A painted elephant sculpture, part of an art project to raise money for threatened elephants in Thailand and India, was vandalised on Sunday night. 2007-04-18 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Asian elephant bull Alexander relocated from Rotterdam Zoo Netherlands, to Antwerp Zoo, Belgium. 2006-05-13 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Rotterdam Zoo celebrating its 10th elephant baby

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