
Nong Nooch Pattaya celebrates fourth elephant birth this year

2023-08-28 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Following Thai tradition, the offspring of Pang Sarai, 22, and Plai Ningnong, 27, was named ‘Plai Boonmak,’ symbolizing ‘Abundant Merit.’ This ceremony expressed heartfelt wishes for the well-being and prosperity of the young elephant. The occasion was particularly significant, as this gentle giant marked the fourth elephant birth of the year and the 108th within Nong Nooch Tropical Garden.

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Nong Nooch Pattaya welcomes 2nd baby elephant of 2023

2023-04-22 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden welcomed its second baby elephant of 2023. Park Director Kampol Tansajja presided over the April 20 blessing ceremony for the new calf, named “Plai Chai”, with Phra Khru Kittisophon, abbot of Wat Samakkhi Banphot temple in Bang Saray.

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Third baby elephant of the year born at Pattaya garden

2022-09-29 - Pattaya, Thailand.

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The third baby elephant of the year has been born at a botanical garden in Pattaya. The Nong Nooch Gardens Pattaya welcomed the new little member, named “Ply Poa Jai” with a religious ceremony yesterday. Ply Poa Jai was born to his mother “Ply Por Chai” and his father “Phang Fonthip.” Veterinarians said he was born healthy.

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Baby elephant gets life-saving care after trap and shooting ordeal

2021-12-02 - Pattaya, Thailand.

A three-month-old baby elephant was recovering in this eastern province on Thursday following lifesaving treatment after being shot several times and caught in a hunter's trap. The elephant, whom rescuers have named "Fahsai", meaning "clear sky", was found by passers-by on Sunday with her right foot caught in a trap and gunshot wounds to her shoulder.

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Five unemployed elephants and their owners begin walking from Pattaya to their native province of Surin, in tambon Nong Prue of Bang Lamung district, Chon Buri, on Tuesday.

Jobless Pattaya elephants begin 500km walk home

2021-04-06 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Napalai Mai-ngam, 26, said five years ago she had brought her relatives and their tamed elephants from Surin to work at an elephant resort in tambon Lam Huay Yai of Bang Lamung. After waiting in vain for tourists near Pattaya for more than a year, five elephants and their owners are heading back to their northeastern home province of Surin – a 500km journey, on foot.

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Baby Opal born at Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens Pattaya

2020-10-26 - Pattaya, Thailand. Patcharapol Panrak

At 09.09 on October 26, Nong Nooch Tropical Garden Pattaya president Kamphol Tansajja held a religious ceremony to welcome a new born female elephant. The baby jumbo was born on October 19 to parents father Ning Nong, 25, and mother Pailin, 19, and was given the name Opal. Pailin had given birth to three babies before, Tubtim, 9, Mukda, 6, and Paetai, 2 and a half.

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First baby elephant born in Thailand in 2018

2018-01-03 - Pattaya, Thailand.

A baby elephant scampers to her feet after becoming the first one born in Thailand in 2018. The female calf - named Yellow Saphire - was born on Tuesday at around 5 am after her 23-year-old mother went into labour in Chonburi, Thailand. Local Buddhist monks visited the newborn elephant to bless her at a ceremony with the centre’s mahouts and staff. Kampong Tonsajja, Director of the Nong Nooch Gardens which houses elephants, said: ‘’She is a beautiful girl and the first of the new year. She...

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Thailand: Nong Nooch Garden Welcomes New Baby Elephant

2016-11-08 - PATTAYA, Thailand.

The Nong Nooch Pattaya Garden and Resort welcomed a new baby girl elephant into its family Tuesday, during which the garden also organised a blessing ceremony for the adorable animal, Thai News Agency (TNA) reports. Phang Took Jai was born to 19-year-old mother ´Phang Nong Porn´, an elephant performer, and 15-year-old father. ´Plai Mai Muang´, through natural mating.

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Revered mahout leads celebration of Thai Elephant Day

2013-03-22 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Of the 28 elephants that wander the Pattaya Elephant Village, only one greets tourists and poses with pictures. And that great mammal is mastered by the area’s most-revered mahout. Ya Sukhree of Surin and his 16-year-old cow Birdy took center stage at the camp’s Thai Elephant Day ceremonies March 13.

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35 year old Elephant gives birth at Nong Nooch Gardens

2012-05-03 - Pattaya, Thailand.

A 35 year old Elephant has given birth at Nong Nooch Gardens after a 24 month gestation period. We understand this is the 39th child of the father of the newborn. After a 10 hour labour, the new baby boy was born to the delight of workers at Nong Nooch who monitored the birth throughout the night.

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New Baby Elephant at Nong Nooch Tropical Garden

2012-02-25 - Pattaya, Thailand.

It was indeed happy news announced on Friday at Nong Nooch Tropical Garden in Na-Jomtien, when management proclaimed that one of their female elephants, Pangubon had successfully given birth to a baby elephant. Both mother and baby are in good health.

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Apparently Phungbunma had been tied up for about a month and had grown more and more weak, eventually falling over. She was given medication from the vets and will hopefully soon make a full recovery.

Emergency services and local residents help neglected elephant

2011-10-26 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Residents help ´Phungbunma´, female elephant that had fallen in the eucalyptus jungle and could not get up on her own, she is a tour elephant that the mahout had tied from being ill in an area vegetated with Eucalyptus not far from the Maaprachan reservoir.

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Local residents help the dazed and confused pachyderm back onto his feet, with help from a crane.

Thailand’s oldest elephant rescued after fall

2011-09-30 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Thailand’s most-famous living elephant nearly went to the big pachyderm park in the sky after a veterinarian’s injection prompted a stagger and fall into a muddy pool at the Pattaya Floating Market. Somrak, whose handler claims is a record-shattering 115 years old, was rescued by staff and residents near the market’s elephant camp Sept. 21.

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2009-10-21 - Pattaya, Thailand.

a 3-year-old boy was gored by an apparently rogue elephant during an elephant show at Pattaya Floating Market, sustaining serious injuries. When the boy’s father later approached the market management for recompense he was callously kept waiting for six hours before they deigned to see him. Mayor Ittipon Khunpleum says there will be no more elephant shows at the market.

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Little girl born at Nongnooch Tropical Gardens

2009-09-23 - Pattaya, Thailand.

Gardens was informed of the birth of a baby elephant, born at the gardens the previous evening around 11.45pm. This was excellent news for the venue and an excellent edition to their existing troop of 43 elephants. In the early hours of the 4th of September, the Director of the Nongnooch Tropical. The young elephant’s mother, 16 year old Phang Sombat, has been entertaining the crowds at the Tropical Gardens for many years showing off her skills with bowling, basketball and carrying visitors ar...

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2008 International Elephant Conservation and Research

2008-11-24 - Pattaya, Thailand. Dr. Harald M. Schwammer

The International Elephant Foundation and Mahidol University are pleased to announce the International Elephant Research Symposium November 24-26, 2008 (New Date) at the Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens, Pattaya, Thailand, to match with the Surin Elephant Round-Up. This will make the Surin Elephant Round-Up the pre-tour to the 2008 International Elephant Conservation and Research Symposium. This important symposium will concentrate on the research and conservation needs of captive and wild pop...

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Elephant Birth at local Park

2008-02-22 - Pattaya, Thailand.

A nice story now from the Million Year Stone Park and Pattaya Crocodile Farm located on the Eastern Outskirts of Pattaya. On Thursday Afternoon, staff at the farm welcomed a new arrival in the form of a newly born male elephant. The dramatic birth involved Gaesorn a 16 year old elephant who gave birth to her new son after a 21 month gestation period. We understand that the elephant park will run a competition involving Tourists, who will decide the name of the new-born.

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2007-05-25 - Pattaya, Thailand.

On 24th May 2007, just after midnight, a truck driver had to run for his life after his pickup truck was viciously attacked by a rampaging pregnant elephant in a field in Huay Yai. His truck was stomped on and wrecked. The mahout, Mr. Loon Jongjai-gnarm, (27) from Surin, told the police that he regularly brought the pregnant elephant from Nong Nooch village to eat the grass in the area, but she had never acted like this before. He assumed that “Phang Dao Rueng” was frightened and moody as sh...

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Local Personalities: former elephant keeper Martin Smith

2003-09-12 - Pattaya, Thailand. Dr. Iain Corness

Martin Smith is Mein Host at the Old Speckled Hen Pub in Jomtien, and a man who has spent more than half his working life working with elephants. He was sent around the world by Aspinalls to study elephant management. This took him to the US, Singapore and Thailand to study handling methods and enclosures. The answer was total zero handling, with studies showing that male elephants would look upon the ‘keepers’ as rivals and would therefore eventually attack their adversary one day to gain s...

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19 Headlines about Elephants from Pattaya2023-08-28 - Pattaya, Thailand - Nong Nooch Pattaya celebrates fourth elephant birth this year 2023-04-22 - Pattaya, Thailand - Nong Nooch Pattaya welcomes 2nd baby elephant of 2023 2022-09-29 - Pattaya, Thailand - Third baby elephant of the year born at Pattaya garden 2021-12-02 - Pattaya, Thailand - Baby elephant gets life-saving care after trap and shooting ordeal 2021-04-06 - Pattaya, Thailand - Jobless Pattaya elephants begin 500km walk home 2020-10-26 - Pattaya, Thailand - Baby Opal born at Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens Pattaya 2018-01-03 - Pattaya, Thailand - First baby elephant born in Thailand in 2018 2016-11-08 - PATTAYA, Thailand - Thailand: Nong Nooch Garden Welcomes New Baby Elephant 2013-03-22 - Pattaya, Thailand - Revered mahout leads celebration of Thai Elephant Day 2012-05-03 - Pattaya, Thailand - 35 year old Elephant gives birth at Nong Nooch Gardens 2012-02-25 - Pattaya, Thailand - New Baby Elephant at Nong Nooch Tropical Garden 2011-10-26 - Pattaya, Thailand - Emergency services and local residents help neglected elephant 2011-09-30 - Pattaya, Thailand - Thailand’s oldest elephant rescued after fall 2009-10-21 - Pattaya, Thailand - ROGUE ELEPHANT GORES TODDLER AT PATTAYA FLOATING MARKET 2009-09-23 - Pattaya, Thailand - Little girl born at Nongnooch Tropical Gardens 2008-11-24 - Pattaya, Thailand - 2008 International Elephant Conservation and Research 2008-02-22 - Pattaya, Thailand - Elephant Birth at local Park 2007-05-25 - Pattaya, Thailand - RAMPAGING PREGNANT ELEPHANT ATTACKS TRUCK IN PATTAYA 2003-09-12 - Pattaya, Thailand - Local Personalities: former elephant keeper Martin Smith

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