Kester Vickery and Emma Fearnhead of Conservation Solutions administer some necessary drugs to ensure the Tusker is safely transported to its new home.

‘Majestic giants’ introduced into community owned reserves to strengthen elephant gene poole

2020-10-21 - Mkuze, South Africa.

in a joint operation between WILDLANDS – a programme of the WILDTRUST, the Aspinall Foundation (in partnership with Albus Environmental), Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and Conservation Solutions, a 20-year-old Tusker was successfully translocated from Tembe Elephant Park, owned by the Tembe Traditional Authority to Somkhanda Game Reserve, owned and managed by the Emvokweni Community Trust. Tembe Elephant Park was established in 1983 to protect the last remaining herds of free-roaming elephants in Sout...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Mkuze2020-10-21 - Mkuze, South Africa - ‘Majestic giants’ introduced into community owned reserves to strengthen elephant gene poole

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