Wildlife Repository supervisor Bernadette Atencio shows elephant tusks in the clay figure that was used to smuggle them into the country on Sept. 9 in Commerce City. They will be part of an estimated 6 tons of confiscated ivory that will be crushed by th

Does destroying Denver ivory really save elephants?

2013-11-14 - Denver, United States.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is about to destroy 6 tons of confiscated ivory being held in Denver — ostensibly to help the campaign against the illegal killing of elephants.But does the destruction of stockpiles really help the cause?

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Edward Grace, a wildlife enforcement agent, holds a carved ivory tusk at the the National Wildlife Property Repository at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge near Commerce City, Colo., on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013. The tusk is part over 6-

US officials crushing 6 tons of illegal ivory to send global anti-poaching message (But will increase the ivory price on the black market, and probably therefore the poaching)

2013-11-13 - Denver, United States.

U.S. wildlife officials in Denver plan to destroy 6 tons of ivory to send a message against elephant poaching that has reached record levels. The ivory tusks, statues and jewelry that will be destroyed Thursday were confiscated by federal agents around the country.

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Antwerpen Zoo Asian Elephant "Billy" Arrives Safely at Denver Zoo

2013-06-26 - Denver, United States.

Billy, a 5-year-old Asian elephant, has safely arrived at Denver Zoo after traveling from Amsterdam. The young bull, the third male elephant in the zoo’s Toyota Elephant Passage exhibit, will support the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Species Survival Plan with valuable genetics as he is unrelated to any elephants in the US.

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Kimbo, a 42-year-old female Asian elephant from Fort Worth Zoo is now at Denver Zoo

Denver Zoo adds female elephant

2012-12-22 - Denver, United States.

Kimbo, a 42-year-old female from Fort Worth Zoo, arrived Thursday night and is getting to know her new digs at Toyota Elephant Passage, Denver Zoo said in a news release. Kimbo brings the elephant population back to four as she joins Dolly, the other female, and bulls Bodhi and Groucho. Dolly is 47, Bodhi is 8 and and Groucho is 41.

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Denver Zoo"s elephant keeper writes a children"s book

2012-12-12 - Denver, United States.

Dave Johnson, elephant keeper at the Denver Zoo has written a children´s book, called The Elephants of Denver and is using all proceeds from it to travel to Nepal and work on conservation. While Johnson is in Nepal, he will be supplying other environmentally-passionate people with things they need. For example, an anti-poaching team needed a faster way to get around, so he and his colleagues bought motorbikes for them.

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2012-10-11 - Denver, United States.

Mimi, a beloved, female Asian elephant at Denver Zoo passed away October 9. Zookeepers had been offering her hospice care recently as she had displayed a natural decline in health over the past few months due to her advanced age. Born in India, Mimi´s birth date is not known. However, at the time of her passing she was believed to be at least 53 years old, making her the seventh oldest elephant in a North American zoo.

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Newcomer Bodhi, a 7-year-old male, is one of eight bull elephants the Denver Zoo intends to acquire for its Asian Tropics habitat, set to open next spring. The habitat also will be home to clouded leopard, flying fox, fishing cat, Asian small-clawed otte

Denver Zoo finishing world-class expansion for elephants and friends

2011-11-09 - Denver, United States. Electa Draper

The two-year din of construction behind screened fences at Denver Zoo is being replaced by the pitter-patter of enormous feet — elephant, rhino and tapir. The almost-completed $50 million Asian Tropics exhibit is the zoo´s bid for greatness. Everything about the 10-acre exhibit — which must remain under wraps until late spring, when animal relocations, quarantines and training all will have run their courses — is meant to be a gee-whiz, eye-opening experience. And not just for the hu...

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Bohdi, pictured taking a dip at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo, arrived Thursday at the Denver Zoo. The 7-year-old male elephant will share his new home, Asian Tropics, with other bull elephants and other species. (Grahm Jones, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium )

Denver Zoo new home for 7-year-old male elephant

2011-11-04 - Denver, United States.

The arrival Thursday afternoon of a 7-year-old male elephant named Bodhi marked a new chapter for the Denver Zoo, where staffers excitedly welcomed the first of the bull elephants for which it built the $50 million Asian Tropics exhibit. Bodhi, pronounced BOH-dee, traveled by truck with an elephant manager, veterinarian and head animal keeper from the Columbus Zoo in Ohio to his new home — which is nearly completed and slated for a public opening in the late spring.

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Denver Zoo: Large Mammal/Hoofstock Zookeeper

2010-06-13 - Denver, United States.

The Denver Zoo is currently seeking qualified applicants for an open position in the large mammal division. The large mammal division includes pachyderms, a great variety of hoofstock and large predators. The position requires excellence in husbandry skills and the ability to work in a team oriented environment.

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Denver Zoo flattens concession stand at groundbreaking for new exhibit

2009-12-03 - Denver, United States.

A former concession stand at the Denver Zoo was razed by a front-end loader before a cheering crowd on Wednesday to make way for the new Asian Tropics exhibit. The weather was anything but tropical, as a light dusting of snow covered the 10-acre plot on the southern edge of the zoo where the new $50-million exhibit will soon stand. The price tag for half of the project is covered thanks to a 1999 Zoo Improvement Bond Fund passed by voters, while the other half came from private donors.

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Teens find rare mastodon fossils near Denver

2009-10-05 - Denver, United States. Kim Posey

Two teenagers made a significant scientific discovery in a creek bed Ken Caryl Ranch. Tyler Kellett and Jake Carstensen found a jaw bone and tusk of a mastodon. The elephant relative could be 50,000 to 150,000 years old. The Denver Museum of Nature and Science excavated the site and volunteers will preserve the fossils. "It's exciting and one of the best things that's ever happened to me,"" said 13 year old Kellett. "It's expensive to do, but I hope we can find more and keep digging," said Carst...

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Dr. Steven Holen, curator of archaeology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science displays an American Mastodon tusk discovered Sept. 19 in Ken-Caryl by two teenage friends.

Kids" fossil discovery a scientific marvel

2009-10-02 - Denver, United States.

It's a dinosaur-loving kids dream come true - not to mention that of archaeologists. The chance discovery of a rare fossil American Mastodon tusk and partial jawbone with teeth by youngsters in Ken-Caryl hasis creatinga major scientific stir. Mastodon fossils, unlike wooly mammoths, are a rare find in Colorado. According to an account on the Ken-Caryl Ranch. org, Web site 13-year-old friends Jake Carstensen and Tyler Kellett were exploring June 1 after a period of heavy rain along a stream swoll...

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Elephants get taste of zoo"s newest feature

2008-10-18 - Denver, United States.

Zoo elephants Mimi and Dolly have a new place to go when it's time for lunch. Two new feeders where the elephants get their meals are serving up a side of practicality with a design that blends with the natural environment of these several-ton creatures. The feeders, which are roughly six feet tall and weigh 8,000 pounds, provide a number of uses. They resemble tree trunks with various nooks and holes to place food for the elephants to find. This along with scent spots and branches give the elep...

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Elephant trunks, howling monkeys all part of the fun at Brew at the Zoo

2008-08-29 - Denver, United States. Kathleen St. John

Sometimes, when you find yourself at a particularly boisterous bar, it seems like you're surrounded by wild animals. "For these guys, particularly Mimi and Dolly, the elephants, it's kind of business as usual for them," says Bowie. "They know it's evening, so that's different, but their keepers are still around. I think they think it's weird, but it's fine." The elephants probably remember plenty of past Brews — the annual beer bust is in its 11th year. With Mimi and Dolly looking on, visitors...

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Denver Zoo to create big elephant habitat

2008-06-28 - Denver, United States.

The Denver Zoo says it will spend $50 million on an Asian Tropics area to house elephants and other endangered species. Construction is to start next year, the Rocky Mountain News reported. When completed, the exhibit will have five habitat areas and room for 12 elephants. The zoo, like others in the United States, is under pressure to improve the living conditions of its elephants or move them elsewhere. Some critics, such as Marc Bekoff, a former biology professor at the University of Colorado...

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Asian elephant Mimi steps onto the scale with the guidance of Keeper Gabe Kibe (right) and Barb Junkermeier (left) while Dolly brings up the rear with keeper Chris Bobko on June 16, 2008.

Denver Zoo elephants weigh in

2008-06-16 - Denver, United States.

A special scale was at the Denver Zoo today to weigh elephants Mimi and Dolly. Mimi weighed in at 10,800 pounds and Dolly at 8,200, good weights for such animals, the zoo said. The Colorado Department of Revenue, port of entry, loaned the scales for the weigh-in. A zoo spokeswoman alluded to the zoo's fund-raising event coming up Thursday in a news release about the weigh-in. "Everyone wants to look their best for this event. However, when you attend in your birthday suit, it's exceptionally im...

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Dolly and Mimi helped kick off the Halloween season at The Denver Zoo with their massive pumpkins.

Denver Zoo elephants carve pumpkins their own way

2007-10-17 - Denver, United States.

Halloween came early today at the Denver Zoo. Elephants Mimi and Dolly got their pumpkins this morning. The pachyderms stomped on the giant gourds one 660 pounds and the other 425 pounds — to get at the flesh inside. The elephants are only two of the 3,500 animals to be showcased at the annual Boo at the Zoo event, held this year on Oct. 27 and Oct. 2, from 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. The trick-or-treat event is free with regular zoo admission.

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Denver plans to expand elephant exhibit

2007-07-09 - Denver, United States. Sara Gandy

While other zoos have gotten rid of costly elephant exhibits in the face of new regulations, the Denver Zoo is planning a big expansion for its pachyderms. The zoo plans to build a $52 million, 10 acre park complete with a hot tub, scratching trees and running rivers. The zoo only has two elephants right now but the new park would have room for up to eight elephants.

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Earth Day: Earthwhile developments. Elephant manure will heat a new exhibit at the Denver Zoo.

2007-04-22 - Denver, United States. Ann Schrader

An unusual first-ever project aims to recycle Denver Zoo's waste into energy. Inspiration came from the 75 tons of manure produced annually by elephants Dolly and Mimi. A gasification plant to superheat waste to generate electricity may cost $1.5 million. But it would cut the zoos overall electric use by 15 percent and heating bill by 17 percent, for an annual savings of $85,000 while reducing whats hauled to the dump by 450 tons.

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The injuries sustained by zookeepers range from cuts, bruises and scratches to bites on fingers, hands and legs, to cases where animals struck keepers with horns or elbows.

Risky business: injuries at the Denver Zoo. City"s zookeepers hurt 45 times in past 5 years. Animal incidents range from minor to death of woman

2007-04-12 - Denver, United States. Todd Hartman

Zookeepers at the Denver Zoo have sustained 45 animal-inflicted injuries in the past five years, according to records provided Wednesday to the Rocky Mountain News. The injuries were delivered by an array of species, including an elephant, hogs, several types of birds, an otter, a bighorn sheep, a mongoose - even a small anteater. The injuries range from cuts, bruises and scratches to bites on fingers, hands and legs, to cases where animals struck keepers with horns or elbows.

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Dolly the Elephant Creates Masterpieces At The Denver Zoo

2006-06-13 - Denver, United States. Raetta Holdman

With the Denver Zoo's largest fundraiser of the year just days away, the animals are getting in on the fun. Asiatic elephants Dolly and Mimi and a black rhinoceros named Mshindi were hard at work Tuesday painting their masterpieces. Zookeepers said the animals all love painting because picking up sticks is a natural behavior for them and using a paintbrush is just an extension of that behavior.

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Lions and elephants on the Great Plains? Scientists suggest relocating African species to North America

2005-08-18 - DENVER, United States.

If a group of prominent ecologists have their way, lions and elephants could someday be roaming the Great Plains of North America. The idea of transplanting African wildlife to this continent is being greeted with gasps and groans from other scientists and conservationists who recall previous efforts to relocate foreign species halfway around the world, often with disastrous results.

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22 Headlines about Elephants from DENVER2013-11-14 - Denver, United States - Does destroying Denver ivory really save elephants? 2013-11-13 - Denver, United States - US officials crushing 6 tons of illegal ivory to send global anti-poaching message (But will increase the ivory price on the black market, and probably therefore the poaching) 2013-06-26 - Denver, United States - Antwerpen Zoo Asian Elephant "Billy" Arrives Safely at Denver Zoo 2012-12-22 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo adds female elephant 2012-12-12 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo"s elephant keeper writes a children"s book 2012-10-11 - Denver, United States - DENVER ZOO MOURNS LOSS OF "LOVABLE" ELEPHANT MIMI 2011-11-09 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo finishing world-class expansion for elephants and friends 2011-11-04 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo new home for 7-year-old male elephant 2010-06-13 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo: Large Mammal/Hoofstock Zookeeper 2009-12-03 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo flattens concession stand at groundbreaking for new exhibit 2009-10-05 - Denver, United States - Teens find rare mastodon fossils near Denver 2009-10-02 - Denver, United States - Kids" fossil discovery a scientific marvel 2008-10-18 - Denver, United States - Elephants get taste of zoo"s newest feature 2008-08-29 - Denver, United States - Elephant trunks, howling monkeys all part of the fun at Brew at the Zoo 2008-06-28 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo to create big elephant habitat 2008-06-16 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo elephants weigh in 2007-10-17 - Denver, United States - Denver Zoo elephants carve pumpkins their own way 2007-07-09 - Denver, United States - Denver plans to expand elephant exhibit 2007-04-22 - Denver, United States - Earth Day: Earthwhile developments. Elephant manure will heat a new exhibit at the Denver Zoo. 2007-04-12 - Denver, United States - Risky business: injuries at the Denver Zoo. City"s zookeepers hurt 45 times in past 5 years. Animal incidents range from minor to death of woman 2006-06-13 - Denver, United States - Dolly the Elephant Creates Masterpieces At The Denver Zoo 2005-08-18 - DENVER, United States - Lions and elephants on the Great Plains? Scientists suggest relocating African species to North America

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Third elephant tests positive for virus at Dublin Zoo

2024-07-10 - Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin Zoo has confirmed that a third elephant has tested positive for a virus which has left two other elephants dead over the last ten days. Eight-year-old Avani and seven-year-old Zinda died from E...

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Houston Zoo Elephant Receives First Ever mRNA EEHV Vaccine

2024-06-18 - Houston, United States. Houston Zoo

Tess, a 40-year-old Asian elephant at Houston Zoo, has been given the first-ever dose of an mRNA vaccine created by virologists at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) to prevent the deadly elephant endot...

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Blackpool Zoo confirms 2 elephants are expecting babies

2024-04-26 - Blackpool, United Kingdom.

The latest round of pregnancy tests at Blackpool Zoo has revealed that two of its elephants are expecting babies. Mother and daughter Noorjahan and Esha are both pregnant and due to give birth in late...

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RIP 2 year old “Chi Pich”

2024-04-02 - Sen Monorom, Cambodia.

There was sad news from Mondulkiri Province, with the death of 2 year old elephant “Chi Pich” being announced. Sources from the Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment Organization (ELIE) said ...

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EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

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EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan dies

2024-03-26 - Kochi, India.

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan, 55, 55, died at Mangalamkunnu in Palakkad on Monday. The elephant owned by M A Haridasan had been under treatment for the past few months.

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Pinnawala Orphanage sees birth of 76th calf

2024-03-23 - Kegalle, Sri Lanka.

The 76th elephant calf was born at the Rambukkana Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage on March 20.This baby elephant was born to 32-year-old she-elephant Shanthi and 19-year-old Pandu at the Pinnawala Elepha...

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SANParks partners with neighbouring nations to benefit communities

2024-03-23 - Pretoria, South Africa.

In the ongoing efforts to curb poaching and snaring of animals within the Zimbabwe and Mozambique borders, South African National Parks (SANParks) is working to create more partnerships with neighbour...

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Toledo Zoo Shares the Name of Precious New Baby Elephant

2024-03-15 - , United States.

After weeks of voting and thousands of submissions, the Toledo Zoo has officially chosen the name of their precious baby elephant and we're personally thrilled about the news! Ladies and gentleman, Ki...

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Extern Link Read about Toledo Zoo in the Elephant DatabasePress Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.Press Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.

Reid Park Zoo welcomes new baby elephant

2024-03-09 - Tucson, United States.

A baby elephant was born at Reid Park Zoo. The zoo said Semba, the facility’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a 265-pound calf around 3:31 a.m. Friday, March 8. Reid Park Zoo said the calf...

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Baby elephant in Copenhagen named after Thai river

2024-03-04 - Copenhagen, Denmark.

A female baby elephant in Copenhagen Zoo has been named Chin after the Tha Chin river in central Thailand. The elephant was born last week in the Danish zoo. The zookeepers, who take care of the young...

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This elephant misses his mahout, authorities seek police help

2024-02-29 - Alappuzha, India.

Evoor Kannan, the elephant known for his murderous rage and with a history of killing two mahouts is in a bad mood these days. He had been gentle under the care of his former Mahout Sharath Parippally...

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Third elephant calf born in Beekse Bergen

2024-02-20 - Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.

African elephant Punda has become the mother of a healthy elephant calf after a 22-month pregnancy. This is the third calf born in the Safari Park Beekse Bergen k in four months. Never before have thr...

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Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s elephant calf dies at age 2

2024-02-15 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The zoo said Tsuni died Thursday after a sudden, brief battle with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). Her EEHV was detected through routine blood testing on Feb. 8, even though she presente...

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The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Extern relevant Links (external link which opens in new window):
The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Farewell to Seoul"s oldest elephant passing at age of 59

2024-02-15 - Seoul, South Korea.

The oldest female elephant in South Korea passed away Tuesday at a zoo in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, at the age of 59, zoo officials said Thursday. The female elephant, named Sakura, had suffered fr...

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A star is born: Baby elephant debuts

2024-01-30 - Bangalore, India.

The Bannerghatta Biological Park is brimming with excitement as it welcomes a delightful new addition—a baby boy elephant calf. This adorable arrival brings the elephant count in the Bannerghatta zo...

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Guruvayur Kannan, nine-time winner of elephant race, dies at 62

2024-01-27 - Guruvayur, India.

Elephant Kannan, of the Guruvayur Devaswom Elephant Camp, a nine-time winner of the festival-related elephant race, has passed away. His demise was around 5:30 pm on Saturday. The tusker's age at the ...

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A baby elephant is found dead

2024-01-27 - Koh Nhek, Cambodia.

Villagers found a baby elephant dead in Koh Nhek district, Mondulkiri province in the middle of the forest​ on January 26, 2024, suspected of being shot. Mondulkiri Provincial department of environm...

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Discoveries: The Evolutionary Edge of Elephant Trunks and Ancient Giants

2024-01-13 - Beijing, China.

A recent study published in the journal eLife has uncovered new findings on the development of dextrous trunks by indigenous elephants. According to Dr. Shi-Qi Wang, a senior author of the research, t...

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Alleged poaching kills 46-year-old Sumatran elephant in Riau park

2024-01-13 - Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

The Tesso Nilo National Park in Pelalawan District, Riau Province, again lost one of its Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) after a poacher allegedly killed it for its tusks. The 46-year...

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Celebration of Elephants: A Must-see New Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History

2024-01-11 - New York, United States.

In a narrow but sprawling curatorial space at the uptown museum, The Secret World of Elephants, now opened, tells the story of elephant species and their relatives through life-size models, videos, gr...

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