
Wisconsin Photographer, Historian Explore Relationship Between Humans And Elephants In Captivity

2015-11-13 - Oregon, United States.

A new book, written and photographed by two Wisconsin residents, aims to capture the unique relationship between humans and elephants at the Oregon Zoo. They discuss some of the most powerful photos in the book, and talk about some of the big questions surrounding elephants in captivity.

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Oregons elephants

2008-06-22 - Oregon, United States. Susan Nielsen

About 284 African and Asian elephants live in about 80 accredited zoos in the United States. These zoos are trending in two directions, after decades of treating elephants as a must-have accessory and ignoring their needs for space, kinship and stimulation. Zoos are either phasing out their elephant exhibits, for ethical and financial reasons, or they're improving them and investing in off-site sanctuaries.

The Oregon Zoo wants to join the latter group.

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Oregon Zoo: 1962 film of Packy

Oregon Zoo gears up for Packy the elephant"s 45th birthday

2007-04-14 - Oregon, United States.

The Oregon Zoo is busy getting ready for a big event this weekend, its Packy the elephants 45th birthday. On Friday morning the zoos executive chef Paul Warner had lots of help from kids preparing the cake. It will be served Saturday afternoon at two. View a 1962 film of Packys birth

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Tusko faces the drill bit Sunday. Operation: The elephant will undergo surgery a second time at the zoo as experts try to pry out his rotten tusk

2007-03-28 - Oregon, United States. KATY MULDOON

Veterinarians expect to take another crack at removing what's left of the elephant's infected tusk in an operation Sunday at the Oregon Zoo. About six weeks ago, they sawed, drilled and chiseled out perhaps 95 percent of his left tusk during an elaborate procedure lasting nearly five hours.

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Elephants Can Alter Their Come-Hither Scents

2006-01-03 - Oregon, United States. HENRY FOUNTAIN

Like Christmas, musth comes but once each year. And for the male elephants that go through it, that's a good thing. For during musth, a period of heightened sexual activity marked by extremely high testosterone levels, males become very aggressive and can work themselves into a frenzy. (The term, first described in Asian elephants, is derived from a Persian word meaning "drunk.")

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Animal rights groups target Oregon Zoo elephants

2005-05-16 - Oregon, United States. AP

Chendra, a ton and a half of Asian elephant, strolls along paths usually busy with families of visitors to the Oregon Zoo. The zoo has six elephants, and she is one of three trained to walk the grounds before visitors arrive. That's important for an elephant program, but the program may be facing problems.

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Gray matters in Oregon Zoo

2005-05-14 - Oregon, United States. Katy Muldoon

Chendra's hips swing gracefully as she hustles along the edge of the concert lawn, past the snow cone stand and up a gentle incline an hour before the Oregon Zoo's gates open. With each step, she leaves enormous round footprints on the dewy pavement. The 2,820-pound Asian elephant trots along paths typically busy with moms pushing strollers and dads toting toddlers. Of the zoo's six elephants, Chendra is one of three trained to walk around the grounds before visitors arrive.

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7 Headlines about Elephants from Oregon2015-11-13 - Oregon, United States - Wisconsin Photographer, Historian Explore Relationship Between Humans And Elephants In Captivity 2008-06-22 - Oregon, United States - Oregons elephants 2007-04-14 - Oregon, United States - Oregon Zoo gears up for Packy the elephant"s 45th birthday 2007-03-28 - Oregon, United States - Tusko faces the drill bit Sunday. Operation: The elephant will undergo surgery a second time at the zoo as experts try to pry out his rotten tusk 2006-01-03 - Oregon, United States - Elephants Can Alter Their Come-Hither Scents 2005-05-16 - Oregon, United States - Animal rights groups target Oregon Zoo elephants 2005-05-14 - Oregon, United States - Gray matters in Oregon Zoo

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