
Elephant calf inadvertently killed by herd in Zurich zoo

2020-11-02 - Zurich, Switzerland.

On August 19, 2020, an elephant cow named Omysha gave birth to her first calf. It was subsequently kicked to death by the herd, prompting an internal investigation. An assessment of the video recordings, with the help of external zoologists and elephant experts from the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP), concluded that calf barely moved after birth.

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Three of the zoo

Zurich Zoo opens new 57-million-franc ($63.5-million) facility for elephants

2014-06-05 - Zurich, Switzerland.

The 11,000-square-metre park features six times the space of the previous enclosure and six water basins for the elephants to swim in. Visitors can get an aquarium view of them under the water in one of the basins, which has a glass wall. The cost of the elephant park was financed through foundation grants, legacies and sums donated by 5,500 individuals.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Zurich2020-11-02 - Zurich, Switzerland - Elephant calf inadvertently killed by herd in Zurich zoo 2014-06-05 - Zurich, Switzerland - Zurich Zoo opens new 57-million-franc ($63.5-million) facility for elephants

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