2022-03-05 - Wuppertal, Germany.
Did an Elephant Jump out of a Suspension Rail Car? No word if the elephant had to pay extra for trunk space. The latest Tweet by snopes.com states, 'Other than a few scratches, the circus elephant named Tuffi was relatively unharmed during the incident. ...'
2011-12-29 - Wuppertal, Germany.
Zookeepers in Germany appear to have come up with a novel way of getting reluctant baby elephants to behave. These pictures, which some may find disturbing, show a young man dragging a resistant calf by the trunk to get it on to the weighing scales for a check-up at Wuppertal Zoo in Germany. Uli is one of around 5,000 animals of 500 different species living at the park, who all have to be counted, weighed and measured each year to see if they are developing as they should.
2008-01-15 - Wuppertal, Germany. Filipe von Gilsa
Tamo was born on Sunday 13 January after 641 days. He was 97 kg heavy and 90 cm high. The birth went well and he was drinking after 30 minutes.
2007-07-13 - Wuppertal, Germany.
In Wuppertal Zoo the female african elephant Tika was born on friday morning 02.40. The birth was rather long and complicated, but mother and the 75 kgs heavy baby are OK. Tika was drinking milk from her mother already after three hours.
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