
Elephant Preserve Planned in California for "Near-Wild" Herd. Preserve Aims to Keep African Elephants Healthy, in Shape and Breeding

2014-01-26 - Tehama, United States.

In the rural, rolling hills of Northern California, plans are under way for a 4,900-acre preserve that would keep African elephants healthy, in shape and breeding. Part fat farm and part laboratory, the elephant preserve would start with three to five elephants and let them grow into a herd of 12 to 15 over two decades. Scientists also would conduct research into the "near-wild" herd, and school groups would come to learn about African elephants, considered to be a threatened species because of ...

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This artist s illustration incorporates a pond on Diamond Ranch and what it might look like with a elephant tent camp.

Group pitches elephant reserve in Tehama County

2013-12-09 - Tehama, United States.

Representatives from the Oakland Zoo and Ndovo Foundation shared their vision Thursday at a Tehama County Planning Commission meeting of a 4,900-acre facility that at peak capacity would house around 50 African elephants.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Tehama2014-01-26 - Tehama, United States - Elephant Preserve Planned in California for "Near-Wild" Herd. Preserve Aims to Keep African Elephants Healthy, in Shape and Breeding 2013-12-09 - Tehama, United States - Group pitches elephant reserve in Tehama County

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