The elephant herd in Sona Udyan, a park of RSP, on Thursday evening | Express photo

Elephant Herd Enters Rourkela

2016-04-30 - ROURKELA, India.

Panic gripped Sector-22 of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), located on the southern tip of the city, when a herd of seven elephants strayed into the area and damaged boundary walls of two buildings on Wednesday night. The herd was staying in Sonaparvat Reserve Forest (RF) for the last 45 days and used to frequent the connecting Bijay Sagar reservoir of IDL Explosives plant for water.

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Foresters trim tusk of rogue elephant

2013-01-09 - ROURKELA, India.

Wildlife experts on Monday tranquilized the rogue tusker, which had wrecked havoc in the region and killed at least six persons in the last 12 days, in Sundargarh district. The tusker has been tied to a tree in the forest. Its tusks have been trimmed, as a preventive measure.

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300 families leave Orissa villages in fear of elephants

2009-11-25 - Rourkela, India.

About 300 families in four villages in Orissa's Sundargarh district have left home due to fear of elephant attack, officials said. The residents of Ramjodi, Khatagbeda, Gosaitali and Baratoli villages along the Orissa-Jharkhand border left home last night and took shelter in school buildings, they said. A herd of 40 elephants have crossed over to Orissa from neighbouring Jharkhand and destroyed about 25 houses in these villages, besides damaging standing crops.

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Elephant poaching in Bonai forest

2009-10-02 - Rourkela, India.

Elephant poaching is on the rise in Bonai forest division of Orissa's Sundargarh district where two wild tuskers were killed within a week. Forest officials said an elephant was found dead in dense area of Barsuan forest range yesterday and its tusks were found missing. A similar incident was reported last week in Tamara range of the forest division.

B N Samal, ranger of Barsuan forest range said an inter-state gang of poachers was involved in the incidents.

All pre...

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Elephants show solidarity

2008-10-20 - Rourkela, India.

The recent death of an elephant due to electrocution near Sanchebahal jungle some 10 kilometres away from Bamra also displayed a rare glimpse of the solidarity by pachyderms. The elephant which was electrocuted when its trunk touched a high tension wire hanging about 7 feet above the ground was surrounded by a herd of elephants soon after its death. Even though forest officials rushed to the spot upon getting information about the elephant’s death they were surprised to see as many as 18 eleph...

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5-year-old girl dies in elephant attack

2008-01-31 - Rourkela, India.

A five-year-old girl, Purnima Nayak lost her life in an elephant attack at Ganua village in Koira. A male elephant had strayed into the residential area and destroyed six houses. The kid was crushed to death when a wall collapsed after the pachyderm went on the rampage. Irate villagers gathered near the accident spot after the elephant had left. On being informed, a team of police and forest department officials reached the area. They were detained for over six hours by the agitated villagers.

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Elephants attack humans again

2008-01-06 - ROURKELA, India.

Close on the heels of the death of an old man in Lathikata block, after he was attacked by an elephant, two women were seriously injured in the district in two separate incidents. According to reports, Dulari Kandulina, of Jamsora village was attacked when she was busy harvesting kolath. She was attacked from behind by an elephant which strayed near the human habitat. Fortunately, the villagers came to her rescue. In the second incident, Rasmi Bare, had ventured into the Pahadtoli forest to coll...

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7 Headlines about Elephants from ROURKELA2016-04-30 - ROURKELA, India - Elephant Herd Enters Rourkela 2013-01-09 - ROURKELA, India - Foresters trim tusk of rogue elephant 2009-11-25 - Rourkela, India - 300 families leave Orissa villages in fear of elephants 2009-10-02 - Rourkela, India - Elephant poaching in Bonai forest 2008-10-20 - Rourkela, India - Elephants show solidarity 2008-01-31 - Rourkela, India - 5-year-old girl dies in elephant attack 2008-01-06 - ROURKELA, India - Elephants attack humans again

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