Two elephants, believed to be from a travelling circus, bathing at Perranporth beach in the 1930s or 40s.

The day elephants enjoyed a bath on Perranporth beach

2020-11-29 - Cornwall, United Kingdom.

The incredible picture above, which was previously shared with Cornwall Live by Perranzabuloe Museum, reappeared on Facebook this week, on The North Coast page, bringing back memories to locals. It is not known whether the photograph, which was passed to the museum in a collection of old images and memorabilia, showed the same two elephants that Mr Philps met when he was young. In England, there has been a ban on wild-animal circuses since January 2020.

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Cornwall2020-11-29 - Cornwall, United Kingdom - The day elephants enjoyed a bath on Perranporth beach

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