Thermal camera in operation at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

How 30,000 elephant "selfies" will help in conservation

2021-02-26 - Bedfordshire, United Kingdom.

Zoo keepers have compiled the world's largest collection of thermal images of elephants. The pictures show elephants in every pose as they play, eat and hang out in their enclosure at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo.
The 30,000 "selfies" are being used in a conservation project to help save endangered elephants.

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Whipsnade Zoo: Elephant Keeper

2007-11-02 - Bedfordshire, United Kingdom.

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo seeks an experienced Elephant Keeper to join their world renowned elephant section. This is a fantastic opportunity to become involved in one of the most exciting and challenging elephant programmes in Europe. The successful candidate will have a proven track record of elephant handling, training and management; they will be able to demonstrate a range of skills and knowledge in this field. The positions would be well suited to someone looking to develop further. In return, we ...

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Bedfordshire2021-02-26 - Bedfordshire, United Kingdom - How 30,000 elephant "selfies" will help in conservation 2007-11-02 - Bedfordshire, United Kingdom - Whipsnade Zoo: Elephant Keeper

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