
Export of elephants from Laos to Japan.

2012-10-12 - Vientiane, Laos.

Known as “Japan-Laos Goodwill Elephants,” eight predominately young female elephants will soon be shipped from their forested and subtropical homes in north-west Laos, to the cold, concreted and caged Tohoko Safari Park, 20 kilometers outside the Fukushima evacuation zone. Well that’s where the fortunate ones will end up. Two are destined for the Kinoshito Circus, whereabouts unknown.

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There are about 600 wild elephants and 500 domesticated elephants remaining in Laos.

Luang Namtha protects wild elephant herd

2011-04-21 - Vientiane, Laos.

A herd of wild elephants in Luang Namtha province in the country´s north is now being protected to ensure they do not disappear, according to a provincial official. Luang Namtha provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office Head Mr Soukson Phonpadith told Vientiane Times yesterday there were great numbers of wild elephants in the province in the past.

“Now only six elephants remain,” he said.

The main causes of the decimation of the elephant population are de...

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Raid on mahouts leaves one elephant, one poacher dead in Laos

2010-08-17 - Vientiane, Laos.

A shootout between a gang of poachers and elephant handlers in Laos left one man and one pachyderm dead, news reports said Tuesday. The gang allegedly attacked the mahouts at midnight on August 9 in Hinheup district, Vientiane province, in an attempt to slaughter four elephants for their ivory and body parts, district governor Chanpaeng Douangphachan told the Vientiane Times. Chanpaeng said the poachers fired upon the mahouts, sparking a brief shootout before the elephant minders fled and inform...

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Polluting power plant to endanger the life of Laos’ elephants

2009-09-14 - Vientiane, Laos.

The Laotian government has approved a plan to develop a lignite mine and built a power plant in the Hongsa Valley, an area near the habitat of an important elephant population. Environmentalists and experts fear this will drive the pachyderms closer to extinction. A new lignite mine and a power station are slated for construction in Hongsa Valley (Sayaboury province), a natural habitat for elephants that is irreplaceable.

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FUTURE ENDANGERED: Tourism projects in Laos could help secure the future of the elephant which is under threat in

Tourists seen as a lifeline for Laos elephants

2008-04-02 - Vientiane, Laos.

Laos, once known as the Land of a Million Elephants, faces warnings from conservationists that it could lose its herds within 50 years if it does not move quickly to protect them with tourism eyed as a possible savior. Poaching and habitat loss from logging, agriculture and hydroelectric projects has caused a major decline in the number of both wild and domesticated Asian elephants in Communist Laos.

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Laotian mahouts ride their elephants in the jungle at the second annual elephant festival in Paklay, Laos, Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008. The festival was held to bring attention to the plight of Asian elephants.

In Laos, Prized Elephants Are in Decline

2008-03-16 - Vientiane, Laos. DENIS D. GRAY

Connie Speight has swayed on elephant-back through unforgiving jungle and has adopted nine of the high-maintenance beasts. At 83, the retired American teacher is back in this Southeast Asian country to help save what remains of the once mighty herds. Once so famous for its herds that it was called Prathet Lane Xane, or Land of a Million Elephants, Laos is thought to have only 700 left in the wild.

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6 Headlines about Elephants from Vientiane2012-10-12 - Vientiane, Laos - Export of elephants from Laos to Japan. 2011-04-21 - Vientiane, Laos - Luang Namtha protects wild elephant herd 2010-08-17 - Vientiane, Laos - Raid on mahouts leaves one elephant, one poacher dead in Laos 2009-09-14 - Vientiane, Laos - Polluting power plant to endanger the life of Laos’ elephants 2008-04-02 - Vientiane, Laos - Tourists seen as a lifeline for Laos elephants 2008-03-16 - Vientiane, Laos - In Laos, Prized Elephants Are in Decline

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