
Reducing elephant – human conflict: Saving lives and incomes of the rural poor - WWF unveils best ways to reduce conflict with wildlife

2008-05-14 - Vancouver, Canada.

Governments could save human lives and millions of dollars in crop and income losses for the rural poor through better consideration of the needs of wildlife, according to a new WWF study of conflict between humans and wild elephants in Africa and Asia. The new study, Common Ground, found that the most serious conflict and harm to both human communities and elephants resulted from unplanned and unregulated development. In Namibia, elephant related conflict costs communal farmers around $US 1 mi...

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Environment Canada investigation into alleged illegal importation of African Elephant ivory leads to charges

2007-04-12 - VANCOUVER, Canada.

Environment Canada has laid 4 charges against Yuk Ming Ho of Richmond, British Columbia for alleged violations of the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRIITA). It is alleged that in March 2005, Mr. Ho unlawfully imported into Canada African Elephant ivory which had been exported from Hong Kong without a permit, an alleged importation violation in contravention of WAPPRITTA. Mr. Ho also faces a charge of possession of African Eleph...

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A mammoth or mastodon discovery from Cowichan River?

2006-07-15 - Vancouver Island, Canada. Aaron Bichard

It was the lure of lures that had local Terry Hill snorkeling in the Stoltz Pool waters last month during his holidays. But it was finding a piece of a 22,000-year-old elephant that registered as his catch of the day. Hill took the tusk to the Royal B.C. Museum where curator of archaeology Grant Keddie verified that it was from an elephant, but couldn't say whether it was a mammoth or a mastodon.

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Elephant Tina"s heart failed

2004-08-10 - VANCOUVER, United States.

Tests show the Tina, the elephant who was moved from B.C. to an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee last summer, died of heart failure.

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Tina the elephant dies

2004-07-23 - VANCOUVER, United States.

Tina, the Asian elephant with the ailing feet, who moved from B.C. to Tenneessee has died. The 34-year-old pachyderm was transferred last August to the Elephant Sanctuary at Hohenwald, southwest of Nashville.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from VANCOUVER2008-05-14 - Vancouver, Canada - Reducing elephant – human conflict: Saving lives and incomes of the rural poor - WWF unveils best ways to reduce conflict with wildlife 2007-04-12 - VANCOUVER, Canada - Environment Canada investigation into alleged illegal importation of African Elephant ivory leads to charges 2004-08-10 - VANCOUVER, United States - Elephant Tina"s heart failed 2004-07-23 - VANCOUVER, United States - Tina the elephant dies

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