Christie, a 23-year-old pregnant African elephant from Zimbabwe, does exercises with elephant keeper Doug Tomkinson at Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City

Coming soon to a zoo near you: Baby elephant

2009-05-10 - Utah, United States. Becky Cairns

Baby fat? Not on this mommy-to-be, still svelte as ever at 7,500 pounds. It may be hard for human moms to fathom, but Christie the expectant elephant isn’t even "showing" yet — after 18 months of pregnancy. "If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t know," says Nancy Carpenter, the Hogle Zoo veterinarian caring for the African elephant. Not only that, this pregnant pachyderm has escaped morning sickness, mood swings and food cravings. How about swollen ankles? No to those, too, her doctor says â€...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Utah2009-05-10 - Utah, United States - Coming soon to a zoo near you: Baby elephant

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