Apparently proving the saying that old habits die hard, Rivaldo, an elephant recently released into the wild in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) in Nilgiris district returned to Mavanallah near his old habitat.

Elephant Rivaldo released into Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, returns to village

2021-08-06 - Udhagamandalam, India.

The villagers reportedly noticed Rivaldo moving around their area in the wee hours of Wednesday, about 40 kms from the camp and alerted the forest department officials.Though the elephant was radio-collared, the movement of Rivaldo could not be traced, may be due to rains and clouds, Forest department sources said.

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Shankar shifted to temporary elephant camp in Nilgiris

2021-07-05 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India.

Elephant Shankar, which was undergoing training at a kraal in Abhayaranyam in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) in the Nilgiris for the last four-and-a-half months, was shifted to the nearby temporary elephant camp on Sunday. Including Shankar, there are 12 elephants in the Abhayaranyam temporary elephant camp. The rogue tusker, which killed three people in Gudalur area, was captured from Cherambadi in Gudalur division on February 12. The 35-year-old animal had killed the trio, including a man and h...

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Keep Rivaldo in captivity: Vazhaithottam residents

2021-07-01 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India.

Forest minister K Ramachandran on Wednesday visited elephant Rivaldo, which is put in a kraal at Vazhaithottam check post. “The eight-member expert committee, set up to decide the fate of the elephant, will prepare a report after examining it. We will take a call then,” the minister said and hinted that it may be shifted to an elephant camp. Rivaldo was guided to the kraal on May 5 by forest officials for treatment. The elephant had been wandering in Vazhaithottam and Mavanallah areas in the...

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Expert help sought to treat injured elephant

2021-06-27 - Udhagamandalam, India.

Field director of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) K K Kaushal on Saturday wrote twrote to the vice-chancellor of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), seeking service of a veterinarian to examine the injured eye of elephant Cherans the injured eye of elephant Cheran at the Theppakadu elephant camp in Tamil Nadu.

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Kumki ‘blinded’ by mahout’s assistant at Theppakadu

2021-06-26 - Udhagamandalam, India.

Cheran, a kumki elephant at the Theppakadu camp, was blinded by a ‘kaavadi’, or assistant to its mahout, on May 17. The elephant, aged around 35, has been used in many operations to capture or drive away wild elephants in the Western Ghats. It had already lost sight in one eye and depended on the left eye for vision. Disciplinary action initiated against forest staff, says official

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Elephant calf found dead in MTR

2021-03-16 - Udhagamandalam, India.

A two-year-old female elephant calf was found dead in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR). “Pug marks of a tiger were found close to the location where the carcass was found. A tiger could have attacked and killed the elephant, a forest official said.

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The twin bull elephants Sujay and Vijay in Theppakadu (captive-born 1971 in Top slip). Photo © Jackie Chiger

Mudumalai Tiger Reserve gets a dedicated wildlife veterinarian

2020-10-19 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India.

After more than two years, the post of wildlife veterinarian at the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) has finally been filled. According to officials, Rajesh Kumar, a veterinarian from the Department of Animal Husbandry, has been posted on deputation as wildlife veterinarian in MTR. Dr. Kumar’s regular routine would be to take care of the elephants at the Theppakadu Elephant Camp.

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Driver fined Rs 5,000 for chasing wild elephant

2020-09-14 - Udhagamandalam, India.

When they shot the video of chasing a wild elephant in a jeep and circulated the same on WhatsApp, little did 26-year-old Sujin, of Masinagudi, and his friend know that would land them in trouble. The video shows Sujin chasing the elephant in his jeep by focusing the headlight on the animal that was roaming near Masinagudi area Sigur forest range, which falls under the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve. The video was shot by his friend, who was sitting on the backseat of the vehicle, on Saturday night. As...

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Elephant electrocuted in farm

2013-04-15 - Udhagamandalam, India.

An eight-year-old male elephant was today electrocuted after it came into contact with an electric fence in a farm in Allurvayal, about 80 kms from here. Two people, including the farm owner, have been arrested in this connection, forest department sources said. They said the post-mortem report revealed that the elephant was electrocuted inside the farm and that its carcass was dragged outside and dumped near the fence.

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Three elephants die on a single day in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR)

2012-04-06 - Udhagamandalam, India.

Three elephants, including a one-year old male, were founded dead today at various places coming under Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) in Nilgiris district. A 25-year old female elephant, which was caught in a slush during search of water and was rescued last night by forest department officials, died this morning without responding to treatment, Forest Department sources said.

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star attraction:Pongal being offered to an elephant at the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve on Saturday.

Temple elephants get festival feast

2012-01-18 - Udhagamandalam, India. D. Radhakrisnan

A significant increase in the inflow of tourists owing to the extended weekend marked the Pongal celebrations in this holiday destination on Saturday. At the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) near here hundreds of tourists, including many foreigners, celebrated Pongal with the camp elephants. After being given a special scrub in the river, the elephants were brought in a procession to the camp at Theppakadu.

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Luckiest of India"s overworked elephants given spa holiday

2012-01-09 - Udhagamandalam, India.

Forty-three stressed-out elephants are frolicking and taking it easy at a spa. They are there to soothe their bodies and minds. These elephants - hired out to Hindu temples to lend majesty to religious ceremonies - are at Mudmalai Wildlife Sanctuary in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. They have been sent there by the government to relax for six sybaritic weeks because of their gruelling jobs.

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Injured Elephant tranquilised, being treated

2010-09-04 - Udhagamandalam, India.

After being thwarted for three days by two tuskers in their efforts to treat an injured jumbo, forest officials today succeeded in tranquilising the animal which was moving around Mudumalai Tiger Reserve area. The 20-year old elephant, with serious injuries to the leg, was roaming in Sigur range in MTR, under protection of the two tuskers, for the last three days and the veterinarian and medical team could not go near it, forest officials said. However, the veterinarian managed to shoot the tran...

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Man trampled to death by elephant herd

2008-09-30 - Udhagamandalam, India.

A 52-year old man was trampled to death by a herd of elephants, including one calf, at Manjakombai near Coonoor in Nilgiris district. According to forest department sources, four persons, who were returning home after their work last night, were chased by a group of five wild elephants. Though three of them managed to escape, one Selvaraj was trampled by the elephants to death, they said. Meanwhile, the same herd of elephants waylaid a van at the nearby Thalakombai this morning. As the four occu...

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A kumki elephant being used in an anti-poaching operation at the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve near Udhagamandalam

Tame elephants to keep poachers at bay

2008-08-18 - Udhagamandalam, India. D. Radhakrishnan

The kumki (working) elephants of the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve near here which have over the decades played a significant role in spreading the name of the sanctuary far and wide have of late been entrusted with the additional responsibility of keeping poachers at bay. Long considered the pride of Mudumalai, the kumkis have now become an integral part of the anti-poaching operations. Pointing out that for the past few weeks the kumkis have been a source of strength to the anti-poaching staff, the ...

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Elephant corridor cleared for building holiday resort

2007-12-29 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India. B Ravichandran

The Tamilnadu Green Movement (TNGM) has alleged clearing of forest area for constructing a resort. An extent of about 12 acres of green lands in Madhugatta at Bokkapuram, an elephant corridor, which comes under the purview of Supreme Court’s definition of forests is being cleared, presumably for the purpose of constructing resort, the movement said and threatened to move the apex court against the District Forest Officer (DFO) of Nilgiris North Division.

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Twelve elephants shifted due to rain

2007-08-12 - Udhagamandalam, India.

As many as 12 tamed elephants have been shifted to the Theppakadu camp from the Bombax Elephant camp, following heavy rains and the overflowing of the Moyar river in the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctury area. With the new arrivals, there are now 24 elephants at the Theppakadu camp. The event turned out to be a reunion of the tamed elephants at the sanctuary with others when the outbreak of anthrax near the camp occurred some six months ago.

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Elephant ride resumes at Mudumalai

2007-01-12 - Udhagamandalam, India.

The popular elephant ride for tourists was resumed today after a two-and-half-year gap at the famous Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, near here. Nilgiris district collector Santhosh K. Mishra inaugurated the elephant ride early this morning at Theppakkadu camp in the vicinity of the sanctuary. A British couple, who had the honour of taking the inaugural ride today, said they were very happy with the sojourn.

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18 Headlines about Elephants from Udhagamandalam2021-08-06 - Udhagamandalam, India - Elephant Rivaldo released into Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, returns to village 2021-07-05 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India - Shankar shifted to temporary elephant camp in Nilgiris 2021-07-01 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India - Keep Rivaldo in captivity: Vazhaithottam residents 2021-06-27 - Udhagamandalam, India - Expert help sought to treat injured elephant 2021-06-26 - Udhagamandalam, India - Kumki ‘blinded’ by mahout’s assistant at Theppakadu 2021-03-16 - Udhagamandalam, India - Elephant calf found dead in MTR 2020-10-19 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India - Mudumalai Tiger Reserve gets a dedicated wildlife veterinarian 2020-09-14 - Udhagamandalam, India - Driver fined Rs 5,000 for chasing wild elephant 2013-04-15 - Udhagamandalam, India - Elephant electrocuted in farm 2012-04-06 - Udhagamandalam, India - Three elephants die on a single day in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) 2012-01-18 - Udhagamandalam, India - Temple elephants get festival feast 2012-01-09 - Udhagamandalam, India - Luckiest of India"s overworked elephants given spa holiday 2010-09-04 - Udhagamandalam, India - Injured Elephant tranquilised, being treated 2008-09-30 - Udhagamandalam, India - Man trampled to death by elephant herd 2008-08-18 - Udhagamandalam, India - Tame elephants to keep poachers at bay 2007-12-29 - UDHAGAMANDALAM, India - Elephant corridor cleared for building holiday resort 2007-08-12 - Udhagamandalam, India - Twelve elephants shifted due to rain 2007-01-12 - Udhagamandalam, India - Elephant ride resumes at Mudumalai

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Third elephant tests positive for virus at Dublin Zoo

2024-07-10 - Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin Zoo has confirmed that a third elephant has tested positive for a virus which has left two other elephants dead over the last ten days. Eight-year-old Avani and seven-year-old Zinda died from E...

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Houston Zoo Elephant Receives First Ever mRNA EEHV Vaccine

2024-06-18 - Houston, United States. Houston Zoo

Tess, a 40-year-old Asian elephant at Houston Zoo, has been given the first-ever dose of an mRNA vaccine created by virologists at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) to prevent the deadly elephant endot...

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Blackpool Zoo confirms 2 elephants are expecting babies

2024-04-26 - Blackpool, United Kingdom.

The latest round of pregnancy tests at Blackpool Zoo has revealed that two of its elephants are expecting babies. Mother and daughter Noorjahan and Esha are both pregnant and due to give birth in late...

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RIP 2 year old “Chi Pich”

2024-04-02 - Sen Monorom, Cambodia.

There was sad news from Mondulkiri Province, with the death of 2 year old elephant “Chi Pich” being announced. Sources from the Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment Organization (ELIE) said ...

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EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

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EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan dies

2024-03-26 - Kochi, India.

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan, 55, 55, died at Mangalamkunnu in Palakkad on Monday. The elephant owned by M A Haridasan had been under treatment for the past few months.

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Pinnawala Orphanage sees birth of 76th calf

2024-03-23 - Kegalle, Sri Lanka.

The 76th elephant calf was born at the Rambukkana Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage on March 20.This baby elephant was born to 32-year-old she-elephant Shanthi and 19-year-old Pandu at the Pinnawala Elepha...

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SANParks partners with neighbouring nations to benefit communities

2024-03-23 - Pretoria, South Africa.

In the ongoing efforts to curb poaching and snaring of animals within the Zimbabwe and Mozambique borders, South African National Parks (SANParks) is working to create more partnerships with neighbour...

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Toledo Zoo Shares the Name of Precious New Baby Elephant

2024-03-15 - , United States.

After weeks of voting and thousands of submissions, the Toledo Zoo has officially chosen the name of their precious baby elephant and we're personally thrilled about the news! Ladies and gentleman, Ki...

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Extern Link Read about Toledo Zoo in the Elephant DatabasePress Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.Press Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.

Reid Park Zoo welcomes new baby elephant

2024-03-09 - Tucson, United States.

A baby elephant was born at Reid Park Zoo. The zoo said Semba, the facility’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a 265-pound calf around 3:31 a.m. Friday, March 8. Reid Park Zoo said the calf...

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Baby elephant in Copenhagen named after Thai river

2024-03-04 - Copenhagen, Denmark.

A female baby elephant in Copenhagen Zoo has been named Chin after the Tha Chin river in central Thailand. The elephant was born last week in the Danish zoo. The zookeepers, who take care of the young...

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This elephant misses his mahout, authorities seek police help

2024-02-29 - Alappuzha, India.

Evoor Kannan, the elephant known for his murderous rage and with a history of killing two mahouts is in a bad mood these days. He had been gentle under the care of his former Mahout Sharath Parippally...

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Third elephant calf born in Beekse Bergen

2024-02-20 - Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.

African elephant Punda has become the mother of a healthy elephant calf after a 22-month pregnancy. This is the third calf born in the Safari Park Beekse Bergen k in four months. Never before have thr...

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Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s elephant calf dies at age 2

2024-02-15 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The zoo said Tsuni died Thursday after a sudden, brief battle with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). Her EEHV was detected through routine blood testing on Feb. 8, even though she presente...

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The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Extern relevant Links (external link which opens in new window):
The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Farewell to Seoul"s oldest elephant passing at age of 59

2024-02-15 - Seoul, South Korea.

The oldest female elephant in South Korea passed away Tuesday at a zoo in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, at the age of 59, zoo officials said Thursday. The female elephant, named Sakura, had suffered fr...

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A star is born: Baby elephant debuts

2024-01-30 - Bangalore, India.

The Bannerghatta Biological Park is brimming with excitement as it welcomes a delightful new addition—a baby boy elephant calf. This adorable arrival brings the elephant count in the Bannerghatta zo...

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Guruvayur Kannan, nine-time winner of elephant race, dies at 62

2024-01-27 - Guruvayur, India.

Elephant Kannan, of the Guruvayur Devaswom Elephant Camp, a nine-time winner of the festival-related elephant race, has passed away. His demise was around 5:30 pm on Saturday. The tusker's age at the ...

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A baby elephant is found dead

2024-01-27 - Koh Nhek, Cambodia.

Villagers found a baby elephant dead in Koh Nhek district, Mondulkiri province in the middle of the forest​ on January 26, 2024, suspected of being shot. Mondulkiri Provincial department of environm...

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Discoveries: The Evolutionary Edge of Elephant Trunks and Ancient Giants

2024-01-13 - Beijing, China.

A recent study published in the journal eLife has uncovered new findings on the development of dextrous trunks by indigenous elephants. According to Dr. Shi-Qi Wang, a senior author of the research, t...

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Alleged poaching kills 46-year-old Sumatran elephant in Riau park

2024-01-13 - Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

The Tesso Nilo National Park in Pelalawan District, Riau Province, again lost one of its Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) after a poacher allegedly killed it for its tusks. The 46-year...

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Celebration of Elephants: A Must-see New Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History

2024-01-11 - New York, United States.

In a narrow but sprawling curatorial space at the uptown museum, The Secret World of Elephants, now opened, tells the story of elephant species and their relatives through life-size models, videos, gr...

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