
80Kg Kama, Baby Elephant Born at Bali Zoo

2023-12-23 - Ubud, Indonesia.

The Bali Zoo in the Village of Singapadu, Gianyar Regency, welcomed its newest resident on 24 November 2024 with the birth of a “Baby Boy” elephant named Kama. Weighing in at a healthy 80 kilograms at birth, Kama can stand and suckle milk produced by his mother, Nurhayati. A member of the critically endangered Sumatra Elephant subspecies (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Kama’s father at The Bali Zoo is 35-year-old Budi, while his mother Nurhayati is 45. Kama was born on 24 November 2023 at 7:...

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First baby elephant born on Bali island causes aaaww of the day

2009-02-07 - Ubud, Indonesia.

A nine-day-old baby elephant sticks with his eighteen-year-old mother Tini at the Safari Park in Gianyar, on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on February 2, 2009. The male Sumatran elephant baby, the 31st at the park, was born on January 24 to become the first baby elephant born on Bali island.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Ubud2023-12-23 - Ubud, Indonesia - 80Kg Kama, Baby Elephant Born at Bali Zoo 2009-02-07 - Ubud, Indonesia - First baby elephant born on Bali island causes aaaww of the day

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