Rory Hensman - The Elephant Whisperer

Elephants for Africa Forever

2008-01-15 - Tzaneen, South Africa.

Isn’t it incredible how a picture taken out of context can have such a detrimental impact. That’s what I was concerned about when writing this article, but nevertheless I’m going to post it as i’d love to hear your point of view on this subject. The subject being training wild African elephants. This post is a follow up to my last post where I mentioned I visited EFAF (definitely in need of website re-design!) - Elephants For Africa Forever - near Tzaneem in Mpumalanga just after Christm...

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Van Schalkwyks elephantine error

2007-09-11 - Tzaneen, South Africa. Fiona Macleod

Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk is having a rough ride after he spent time at a Limpopo outfit that captured young elephants from the wild for elephant-back safaris. Wildlife groups are furious after Van Schalkwyk visited Elephants for Africa Forever (Efaf), an elephant training outfit that caused an outcry in April last year when it "kidnapped" six elephants aged between six and 12 in the Selati private game reserve.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Tzaneen2008-01-15 - Tzaneen, South Africa - Elephants for Africa Forever 2007-09-11 - Tzaneen, South Africa - Van Schalkwyks elephantine error

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