2013-09-02 - Trivandrum, India.
The death of 36 elephants during the last eight months (2013 January-2013 August) reflects the sorry state of the lives of the captive elephants in the state. Among these captive elephants, 29 were owned by individuals and seven were under the control of state forest department. The statistics is prepared by Thrissur based Heritage animal task force with the help of environmentalists and elephant activists in the state. But the government admits that they are yet to compile the list of dead elep...
2013-04-16 - Trivandrum, India.
After manual labourers, it is now the turn of captive elephants to have a long lunch break and siesta in order to spare them of toiling under scorching heat which Kerala is currently experiencing. The state Wildlife Department has banned parading of jumbos during festivals between 11 AM to 3.30 PM to protect them from the heat wave conditions.
2011-11-04 - Trivandrum, India.
The wild elephant population in the Kerala forests has remained stable and healthy between 2007 and 2010, according the 2010 wild elephant census results received by the Forest Department this week. The 2010 census, according to what is called ‘block count method’ of enumeration, puts the number of wild elephants in the State’s wildlife sanctuaries and protected areas at 3,520. The same method of enumeration in the previous census conducted in 2007 had put the number at 3002.
2010-03-21 - Trivandrum, India.
Who doesn’t love elephants? If you love them as much as I do and would like to see some on your trip to Kerala, here are the best places to find them. If youd like to spot elephants in Kerala in the wild youll need to visit one of the national parks. Of course, sightings aren’t guaranteed, but if you do get lucky it will be an exciting experience.
2008-07-29 - Trivandrum, India. T. K. Devasia
After the gruelling festival season, its time for complete rest, feasts and rejuvenation for captive elephants in Kerala. Elephant owners, especially temples, have begun the annual sukhachikitsa (ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy) for their elephants that were paraded from temple to temple from March without rest. The sukhachikitsa for elephants attached to temples under the Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB) commenced in the state capital Trivandrum yesterday. Forty elephants under various temples in...
2007-04-13 - Trivandrum, India.
Rajkumar, the new elephant in the City Zoo, found himself after travelling for the last six days among a group of elephant lovers, which included Minister M A Baby, and a host of mediamen when he arrived on Thursday. The happiest of the lot was perhaps Maheswari, the female elephant at the zoo who has been living alone for nearly 25 years now. Maheswari was left alone after Stanley, the male elephant in the zoo, was sent back to the forest a quarter century ago.
2006-07-10 - TRIVANDRUM, India.
An elephant owner in Kerala, who sold an elephant for a hefty price by feeding a fabricated story to the media, has landed in the police net. Prasanth alias Guruji, who lives on the outskirts of the state’s capital city of Trivandrum, sold the elephant called Sethulakshmi for Rs1.1 million after he planted stories in the media that the animal had become pregnant and would bring big fortune.
2005-06-26 - TRIVANDRUM, India.
After the hectic festival schedule, it is time for rejuvenation for the elephants in Punnathur Elephant sanctuary, which is one of largest captive elephant homes in the world. Veterinary doctors are ready to take charge of the 62 elephants with a strict health care regime for 30 days from July 1. A major feature of the annual health care given during monsoon, when elephants are mostly indolent, is Kerala's traditional rejuvenative or restorative therapy.
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