2013-08-22 - Tesso Nilo, Indonesia.
A domesticated elephant, a member of the Flying Squad at the Tesso Nilo National Park gave birth to a female calf on Aug. 7. The calf is the fourth new member of the squad at the park located in Pelalawan regency, Riau.The calf, which has yet to be named, was delivered by its 35-year-old mother Ria.
2008-09-14 - Tesso Nilo, Indonesia.
The government of Indonesia has declared its commitment to enlarging the most suitable block of forest for Sumatran elephants, expanding the vital Tesso Nilo National Park on Sumatra island to 86,000 hectares. "This is an important milestone toward securing a future for the Sumatran elephant and tiger," said Dr. Mubariq Ahmad, WWF-Indonesia's Chief Executive. “To ensure that the commitment is effectively implemented, we must redouble our efforts on the ground to eliminate poaching and ille...
2008-04-30 - Tesso Nilo, Indonesia.
The Flying Squad, a conservation team that escorts stray wild elephants back to the safety of Central Sumatra's forests, searches for pachyderms in Tesso Nilo. Shrinking forest habitat on the Indonesian island threatens the dwindling wild elephant herd.
2008-03-06 - Tesso Nilo National Park, Indonesia.
In Riau Province, the flying squad are four adult elephants and eight mahouts patrolling an area along the National Park boundaries, keeping wild elephants away from local communities and teaching villagers non-lethal ways to protect their crops. About 80 guests helped Nella celebrate her 1st birthday while Wan Abu Bakar, Vice Governor of Riau Province, officially conferred the name Tesso on the younger calf, born three months ago. It is a tradition in Indonesia to have a naming ceremony soon af...
2007-12-24 - Tesso Nilo National Park, Indonesia.
On Dec. 11, 2007, "World News with Charles Gibson" correspondent Nick Watt introduced us to the World Wildlife Fund's Flying Squad — a group of five trained elephants that are working to help save the endangered Asian elephants in Tesso Nilo National Park in central Sumatra. We are happy to report that, since then, the Flying Squad welcomed its sixth member — a baby elephant named Saree, born just in time for the holidays.
2007-12-11 - Tesso Nilo National Park, Indonesia. Adam Tomasek, World Wildlife Fund
The World Wildlife Fund inspects damage to a village home in Sumatra. A woman was asleep in the bedroom with her husband and baby son when a wild elephant crashed into their kitchen. Here villagers clear land for palm oil and food crops. But in other areas farmers have burned much of the elephants' habitat to make coffee sold in Europe and North America. The elephants must struggle to survive alongside humans, who see them as a dangerous nuisance.
2007-03-12 - Tesso Nilo National Park, Indonesia.
Starting from February 23, the Flying Squad has had a new member since Lisa, one of Flying Squad female elephants had given a birth. Lisa and her baby are both fine. On that Friday morning, Lisa's mahout who was in charged to take Lisa to bath from the site where she was tied the night before, to his surprise saw Lisa was with a new companion, her cute baby. The scene was about 1.5 km away from the Flying Squad camp.
2006-05-14 - Tesso Nilo, Indonesia. WWF
On 14 May eight endangered Sumatran elephants were released into Tesso Nilo National Park, seven weeks after they were found chained to trees without food or water in central Riau, Indonesia. Local forestry officials had captured the elephants after they had damaged crops and homes near Libo Forest. WWF, which provided daily care and medical treatment for the elephants after their discovery, accompanied the authorities as they released the elephants to ensure that the release was done safely.
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