
World famous "Sonepur mela" begins

2013-11-16 - Sonepur, India.

The globally renowned, month-long ´Sonepur mela´ at which elephants, horses and cattle are sold and purchased began today on the bank of the river Ganga in Bihar´s Saran district. The fair originates from the times when Emperor Chandragupta Maurya used to buy elephants and horses from across the Ganga.

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Final touches being given to Swiss cottages

2009-10-26 - Sonepur, India.

Sonepur, 22 km away from Patna, is famous for hosting month-long Asia’s largest cattle fair commencing from November 1. An elephant `bazaar’, which always draws crowds because of big demand for the elephants from the southern parts of the country, will also come up soon. Besides, it’s a fair of dance, music and `masti’ and, as such, it draws tourists from all over India and abroad.

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Elephant dung sell like hot cake as mosquito repellent

2008-11-21 - Sonepur, India.

Elephant dung is selling like hot cake at the famous annual cattle fair here for use as a mosquito repellent and also as fuel. Over 70 elephants are at the fair this year. They are brought here for show, as their sale at the fair is banned under wildlife protection laws, said another forest department official, CP Khanduja. Elephants are big attractions at the fair, especially for tourists. But there are unofficial reports that elephants are bought and sold at the fair in the garb of gifting the...

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3 Headlines about Elephants from Sonepur2013-11-16 - Sonepur, India - World famous "Sonepur mela" begins 2009-10-26 - Sonepur, India - Final touches being given to Swiss cottages 2008-11-21 - Sonepur, India - Elephant dung sell like hot cake as mosquito repellent

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