The foundations are being put in place for Europe

Plans for Europe"s largest elephant sanctuary causes controversy

2012-09-15 - Somerset, United Kingdom.

A zoo in Somerset has just started work on Europe´s largest elephant sanctuary. Noah´s Ark near Wraxall plans to open the 20 acre enclosure next summer. And just down the road in Longleat plans are underway for a similar sanctuary. Down the road at Longleat, they´re also planning an elephant sanctuary. This one won´t have a breeding programme and aims to only take in rescue animals already in captivity.

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Up to 10 elephants could one day live in the £1m Elephant Eden enclosure

Noah"s Ark Zoo Farm elephant "sanctuary" work begins

2012-09-13 - Somerset, United Kingdom.

Building work is under way on a 20-acre ´elephant sanctuary´ which is to be one of the largest exhibits in Europe. Noah´s Ark Zoo Farm, in North Somerset, is spending £1m on the enclosure which it plans to open next year. A number of animal welfare groups have expressed concern over elephants being kept in captivity since planning permission was granted in 2010.

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Elephant breeding due at conservation center

2009-12-27 - Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States.

The long-awaited mating of elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo conservation center in Somerset County now has a timetable: Officials want them to hook up next summer. And they plan to open an elephant sperm bank at the International Conservation Center to aid in breeding, zoo officials said. Barbara Baker, the zoo’s chief executive officer, traveled to Africa with a team to collect semen from bull elephants. She was in town recently to discuss plans for the conservation center in Fairhope. “We ...

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Jackson, the pride of the International Conservation Center in Fairhope, is the subject of a sculpture outside Laurel Arts in Somerset.

Elephant breeding to start at conservation center

2009-12-01 - Somerset, United States. PATRICK BUCHNOWSKI

The long-awaited mating of elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo conservation center in Somerset County now has a timetable: Officials want them to hook up next summer. And they plan to open an elephant sperm bank at the International Conservation Center to aid in breeding, zoo officials said. Barbara Baker, the zoo’s chief executive officer, traveled to Africa with a team to collect semen from bull elephants.

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First Elephants Will Soon Move Into Somerset County Center

Conservation Center in Somerset County Set To Open

2008-08-26 - SOMERSET COUNTY, United States.

In a couple weeks, the first African elephant will be moving to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium's International Conservation Center near Fairhope, Somerset County. The center's primary focus will be breeding programs, something the Pittsburgh Zoo has renowned success in, thanks in part to its elephant bull named Jackson. Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium President Dr. Barbara Baker said "Jackson has eight babies on the ground and two more are due to be born shortly." The electric fencing is in pla...

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Elephants as art: Somerset considers erecting statues in the public square

2008-02-13 - Somerset, United States. VICKI ROCK

Chicago has cows. Pittsburgh has dinosaurs. Somerset may soon have elephants. Public sculptures of animals, decorated by artists, can be a draw for tourists, said Somerset Inc. Executive Director Stephanie Williams. “We had been talking about public art for several years and discussed possibly having deer,” she said. “Henry Cook suggested elephants. We sat down and discussed it and have applied for a $13,000 grant.” 20 large fiberglass elephants would be 3 feet high, 4 feet long and 2 fe...

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Elephant Breeding Facility Coming To Somerset Co.

2006-01-10 - Somerset Co., United States.

Glen Savage Ranch, just north of Fairhope in Somerset County, is well known for it's hunting and beautiful scenery, but in just a few years you can add elephants, rinos, and even cheetahs to the mix. The land is being purchased by the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium to be a one of a kind conservation and breeding center for endangered African elephants.

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Somerset Co.2006-01-10 - Somerset Co., United States - Elephant Breeding Facility Coming To Somerset Co.

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