photos, capturing an angry elephant bull charging and overturning a vehicle.

Elephant overturns vehicle in Kruger

2013-04-15 - Skukuza, South Africa.

Two Chinese tourists were injured when their vehicle was overturned by an elephant on the H1-7 tar road between Shingwedzi and Punda Maria in the Kruger National Park around 06:30 on Monday morning. The driver sustained serious injuries and was taken to Clinix Phalaborwa Private Hospital after being assisted by a local doctor and paramedics on the scene. The passenger only sustained minor injuries.

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New African elephant fund receives major boost

2012-01-05 - Skukuza, South Africa.

The African Elephant Action Plan and the African Elephant Fund received a more than R2 million boost at a meeting held in Skukuza from 12 to 14 December, 2011. The first official session of the trust fund´s steering committee took place in the Kruger National Park (KNP) to allocate available financial resources to the first set of eligible projects. The initiative was created under the auspices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) w...

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2005-07-03 - Skukuza, South Africa.

African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are mixed feeders, incorporating varying proportions of grass and browse into their diets. Disagreement persists as to whether elephants preferentially graze or browse, and the degree to which the consumption of these foods is a reflection of their local availability. We used stable carbon isotope analysis of feces to investigate seasonal and spatial variation in the diets of elephants from Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa.

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An outbreak of encephalomyocarditis-virus infection in free-ranging African elephants in the Kruger National Park.

1995-06-01 - Skukuza, South Africa. Grobler DG, Raath JP, Braack LE, Keet DF, Gerdes GH, Barnard BJ, Kriek NP, Jardine J, Swanepoel R. at National Parks Board, Skukuza, South Africa

A cluster of four deaths in late December 1993, marked the onset of an outbreak of disease of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa, which has an estimated population of 7,500 elephants. Mortalities peaked in January 1994, with 32 deaths, and then declined steadily to reach pre-outbreak levels by September, but sporadic losses continued until November. During the outbreak altogether 64 elephants died, of which 53 (83%) were adult bulls. Archival...

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Skukuza2013-04-15 - Skukuza, South Africa - Elephant overturns vehicle in Kruger 2012-01-05 - Skukuza, South Africa - New African elephant fund receives major boost 2005-07-03 - Skukuza, South Africa - ELEPHANT (LOXODONTA AFRICANA) DIETS IN KRUGER NATIONAL PARK, SOUTH AFRICA: SPATIAL AND LANDSCAPE DIFFERENCES 1995-06-01 - Skukuza, South Africa - An outbreak of encephalomyocarditis-virus infection in free-ranging African elephants in the Kruger National Park.

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