2021-03-19 - Sauraha, Nepal. Alisha Sijapati and Tufan Neupane
A domesticated elephant used for safaris in Chitwan National Park which was being illegally transported to India in contravention of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) is being tracked by Nepal police at the border. The 50-year-old female elephant belongs to Jungle World Resort, and is named ‘Ashakali’. A video of the truck showed its number to be: ना ४ ख २८२७.
2020-10-08 - Sauraha, Nepal.
For months, elephant owners in Sauraha have been struggling to feed their elephants as there are no tourists visiting the place these days. No tourists mean no business. Under a revenue-sharing cooperative mode, the elephant keepers in Sauraha have agreed to look after the elephants together and share the safari income in the coming days.
2016-12-26 - Sauraha, Nepal.
Chitwan Elephant Festival is going to be held at Sauraha in Chitwan district from December 26 to 30. The International Elephant Polo will remain the highlight of the Festival which is being held after a gap of 7 years, according to International Elephant Polo Competition Coordinator Shankar Sainju.
2009-11-08 - Sauraha, Nepal.
The first birthday of twin baby elephants at the elephant breeding center in Sauraha was celebrated amidst a special program on Saturday. These calves are the first twin baby elephants in the South Asia. An elephant named Devi Kali aged over 40 years at the center gave birth to the twins last year. The twins´ father is an elephant named Romeo. The two calves were named Ram and Laxman during the function.
2008-02-21 - Sauraha, Nepal. Anand Gurung
It was late spring but Chitwan was already very hot. There were no people on the road where a little while ago a jeep had driven past lifting a huge cloud of dust. The rickshaw-man who had brought me to Sauraha was red in the face and perspiring profusely through all the cycling. “You’ll just be making a round of jungle,” the rickshaw-man said as we sat in the restaurant patiently waiting for the elephant to arrive. “There are rhinoceros, leopards, chital and many other animals in the ju...
2007-12-31 - Sauraha, Nepal.
Nepal has hosted the fourth annual International Elephant Race. Hundreds of specatators gathered in Sauraha in Chitwan National Park in Narayani for the Elephant Extravaganza. Organisers said they hope to draw the attention of tourists to Nepal's wildlife and show that it is so much more than just a land of mountains. The keepers, known as mahouts across Nepal, spend hours washing their animals and dressing them so they are in tip top shape for the race. This year 20 national and international c...
2006-03-31 - Sauraha, CHITWAN, Nepal.
Is there an alternative way to train a domestic elephant to learn faster, be more obedient and decrease a risk to people? The answer is yes, according to the ‘positive reinforcement’ training being discussed and demonstrated at the Elephant Breeding Center at Sauraha,Royal Chitwan National Park. The first phase of the training concludes on 5 April 2006. Based on the outcome of this training, a follow-up session will be scheduled. Finland has been supporting conservation efforts in Nepal for ...
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