
Manatees, elephants closest relative, Are Clever, Tests Find

2006-11-13 - Sarasota, United States. Jennifer Kay, Associated Press

Back in 1902, a scientist examining the smooth, grapefruit-size brain of a manatee remarked that the organ's unwrinkled surface resembled that of the brain of an idiot. But Hugh, a manatee in a tank at a Florida marine laboratory, doesn't seem like a dimwit. When a buzzer sounds, the speed bump-shaped mammal slowly flips his 1,300 pounds and aims a whiskered snout toward one of eight loudspeakers lowered into the water. Nosing the correct speaker earns him treats.

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OBITUARY: Elephant trainer Jenda Smaha enjoyed international spotlight

2006-11-11 - SARASOTA, United States. MARK ZALOUDEK

Smaha, who was born Jan Vinicky but adopted his family's stage name as a performer, died in his sleep of heart failure Oct. 27, 2006, while on one of his many photo safaris in Africa. He was 74. Memorial donations to create a watering hole for elephants in a national park in Botswana can be made to the Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife, P.O. Box 53007, Yellowwood Park, 4011, South Africa, Attn: Dr. Helena Fitchat.

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Funeral service for Jenda Smaha.

2006-11-11 - Sarasota, United States. BILL STRONG

The Circus Community has been deeply saddened by the passing of Elephant Trainer Jenda Smaha. The services will be held at The Palms, located at Fruitville Road, and Honore, this Saturday,(Nov. 11), at 11 AM. The information I have is that the reception will follow at Showfolks of Sarasota Clubhouse.

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Elephant handler Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

2005-09-01 - Sarasota, United States. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

If working with Elephants appeals to you, we have a great opportunity. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Circus has immediate openings for elephant handlers who aren't afraid to work hard caring for our elephants. Responsibilities include total animal care such as grooming, feeding, cleaning and exercising animals. You must be able to work flexible hours and must be able to lift/move up to 75 lbs. Prior experience working with Asian Elephants in a Free Contact environment is preferred.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Sarasota2006-11-13 - Sarasota, United States - Manatees, elephants closest relative, Are Clever, Tests Find 2006-11-11 - SARASOTA, United States - OBITUARY: Elephant trainer Jenda Smaha enjoyed international spotlight 2006-11-11 - Sarasota, United States - Funeral service for Jenda Smaha. 2005-09-01 - Sarasota, United States - Elephant handler Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

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