
Mammoth Discovery: Uncovering Channel Islands history. Rare fossil found on Santa Rosa Island

2016-11-23 - SANTA BARBARA, United States.

A piece of the Channel Islands history is being uncovered at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. The museum recently received a giant box brought in by Mammoth Movers. “We are not sure if it is a small full size Columbian mammoth, the species that got out to the island originally, or whether it is a large variety of the Pygmy mammoth,” said National Park Service archaeologist Don Morris.

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33rd Annual Elephant Managers Association Conference and Workshop

2012-11-04 - Santa Barbara Zoo, United States. EMA

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Keeper: Elephants

2012-08-20 - Santa Barbara, United States.

The Santa Barbara Zoo is seeking a keeper for our Elephant Team. The person filling this position will carry out all basic aspects of the daily care of the elephants, including, but not limited to: training, enrichment, maintenance of exhibits, and enhancing the guest experience. This position is part of a dynamic and progressive Animal Care team.

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Santa Barbara Zoo: KEEPER – ELEPHANTS

2008-01-17 - Santa Barbara, United States.

The Santa Barbara Zoo is seeking a keeper for our elephant team. This position will carry out all basic aspects of the daily care of the animals, including, but not limited to: training, enrichment, maintenance of exhibits, and enhancing the guest experience. This position is part of a dynamic and progressive Animal Care team. The position may be filled at the apprentice keeper, keeper, or senior keeper level depending on experience.

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Santa Barbara Zoo: KEEPER – ELEPHANTS

2007-09-19 - Santa Barbara, United States.

The Santa Barbara Zoo is seeking a keeper for our elephant team. This position will carry out all basic aspects of the daily care of the animals, including, but not limited to: training, enrichment, maintenance of exhibits, and enhancing the guest experience. This position is part of a dynamic and progressive Animal Care team. The position may be filled at the apprentice keeper, keeper, or senior keeper level depending on experience, with wages ranging from $11 to $15/hr.

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Mammoth may find home in Santa Barbara. If Moorpark approves, the fossilized remains would go to the Museum of Natural History

2007-07-14 - Santa Barbara, United States. Gregory W. Griggs

Moorpark officials may have found a final resting place for the skeleton of a fossilized mammoth that roamed the area up to 1 million years ago. If the City Council approves the plan next week, the skeletal pieces will be donated to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Trevor J. Lindsey, the paleontologist who discovered the mammoth at the housing site, said this is probably the first time such fossils have been discovered in Moorpark.

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2007-06-04 - Santa Barbara, United States.

Part-time Seasonal, Up to 32 hours per week Great oppoturnity for a person who loves elephants and enjoys engaging an audience. You will promote the Zoo and its mission as an educator, serving as Ambassador to our natural world. Knowledge of current methods, principles, procedures and practices utilized in environmental education preferred (AZA/CEC conservation messaging and NAI interpretive methods). Considerable knowledge of biology and zoology necessary as well as ability to organize and impl...

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Elephants Hear With Their Feet? An Expert Comes to Town to Discuss the Big-Eared Species Odd Auditory Skills

2007-04-04 - Santa Barbara, United States. Mary Vanderpool

Dr. Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell (pictured), a research associate from Stanford University and elephant enthusiast, presents groundbreaking new evidence that earth’s largest land animal uses its feet to detect soundwaves that travel through the ground at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History’s Fleischmann Auditorium tomorrow night, Thursday, April 5, at 7 p.m..

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Santa Barbara Zoo: keeper for our elephant team

2007-03-26 - Santa Barbara, United States. Santa Barbara Zoo

The Santa Barbara Zoo is seeking a keeper for our elephant team. This position will carry out all basic aspects of the daily care of the animals, including, but not limited to: training, enrichment, maintenance of exhibits, and enhancing the guest experience. Experience with Elephants in Protected Contact is preferred, but we are willing to train an enthusiastic individual.

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Taking Desperate Measures. Four Santa Barbara High Schoolers Debut Elephant Doc

2007-01-24 - Santa Barbara, United States. Sheyla Molho

Thanks to their love for film, four Santa Barbara 17-year-olds—Freddie Weston Smith, Freddy Meyer, Bradley Lonson, and Spencer Spottiswoode—and one 18-year-old university student from Pasadena named Toby Eversole went to South Africa along with the Disney Studios vet team. Once there, they helped tackle the overpopulation of elephants problem in Africa in a somewhat controversial manner: they captured the first vasectomy ever performed on a male elephant!

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2006-08-24 - Santa Barbara, United States.

Michael Jackson has axed plans to sell his Neverland Ranch, and opted to get rid of his collection of zoo animals instead. A source tells the magazine, "Jackson's elephant sold to a big wheel (circus) near Los Angeles. It's also true that Jackson has four giraffes up for sale. His asking price: $35,000 a pair."

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Elephant keeper, Santa Barbara Zoo

2006-06-23 - Santa Barbara, United States. EAZA

The Animal Care Department is seeking a keeper to become an active member of the elephant program team. This position will carry out all basic aspects of the care of the animals, including, but not limited to: training, enrichment, maintenance of exhibits, and the guest experience.

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Santa Barbara Zoo Faces New Pachyderm Protection Plan

2006-05-04 - Santa Barbara, United States. Chris Wilcox

Elephants in the Santa Barbara Zoo may soon have to pack their trunks and move, pending an upcoming decision by the California State Legislature. On April 25, a California Assembly committee passed the Elephant Protection Act, which will go to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for approval May 10. The bill, CA AB 3027, would require California’s zoos to expand their elephant enclosures to at least five acres and to stop using certain elephant handling tools, or risk losing their eleph...

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KEEPER, ELEPHANTS - Santa Barbara Zoo

2006-01-03 - Santa Barbara, United States.

The Animal Care Department is seeking a keeper to become an active member in the elephant program team. This position will carry out all basic aspects of the care of the animals, including, but not limited to: training, enrichment, maintenance of exhibits, and the guest experience. This position is part of a hard working, progressive animal care team. Although focused on the Zoo's elephants, members of the team also work with other species.

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13 Headlines about Elephants from Santa Barbara2016-11-23 - SANTA BARBARA, United States - Mammoth Discovery: Uncovering Channel Islands history. Rare fossil found on Santa Rosa Island 2012-08-20 - Santa Barbara, United States - Keeper: Elephants 2008-01-17 - Santa Barbara, United States - Santa Barbara Zoo: KEEPER – ELEPHANTS 2007-09-19 - Santa Barbara, United States - Santa Barbara Zoo: KEEPER – ELEPHANTS 2007-07-14 - Santa Barbara, United States - Mammoth may find home in Santa Barbara. If Moorpark approves, the fossilized remains would go to the Museum of Natural History 2007-06-04 - Santa Barbara, United States - Santa Barbara Zoo:INTERPRETER (ELEPHANT) - SEASONAL 2007-04-04 - Santa Barbara, United States - Elephants Hear With Their Feet? An Expert Comes to Town to Discuss the Big-Eared Species Odd Auditory Skills 2007-03-26 - Santa Barbara, United States - Santa Barbara Zoo: keeper for our elephant team 2007-01-24 - Santa Barbara, United States - Taking Desperate Measures. Four Santa Barbara High Schoolers Debut Elephant Doc 2006-08-24 - Santa Barbara, United States - JACKSON SELLS ELEPHANTS AND GIRAFFES but not Neverland 2006-06-23 - Santa Barbara, United States - Elephant keeper, Santa Barbara Zoo 2006-05-04 - Santa Barbara, United States - Santa Barbara Zoo Faces New Pachyderm Protection Plan 2006-01-03 - Santa Barbara, United States - KEEPER, ELEPHANTS - Santa Barbara Zoo

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