
Farewell to Seoul"s oldest elephant passing at age of 59

2024-02-15 - Seoul, South Korea.

The oldest female elephant in South Korea passed away Tuesday at a zoo in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, at the age of 59, zoo officials said Thursday. The female elephant, named Sakura, had suffered from deteriorating health since November last year, primarily caused by ascites and subcutaneous edema. Born in February 1965 in Thailand.

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The video has gotten over 879.9k views, 4,393 retweets, and over 26k likes since it was uploaded. The footage touched viewers, who praised the elephants’ fast thinking and selflessness in saving the calf’s life.

Viral Video: Elephants Rescue A Drowning Calf In A Pool At Seoul Zoo; Watch Heartwarming Video!

2023-02-14 - Seoul, South Korea. Srushti Gharat

In the video, a small elephant and its mother are sipping water from a pool when the calf slips into it. The mother elephant panics and tries to bring the baby elephant out of the water. Fortunately, another elephant comes to the scene to aid the mother and youngster. The third elephant was observed running furiously behind the compound, attempting to reach the other two elephants and aid them in rescuing the baby elephant. Meanwhile, the baby elephant was straining to keep its trunk above water...

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Woolly mammoth: Scientists agree deal to recreate extinct jumbo using elephant’s womb

2012-03-14 - SEOUL, South Korea.

Russian and South Korean scientists signed a deal yesterday on joint research intended to recreate a woolly mammoth, an animal which last walked the earth some 10 000 years ago. The deal was signed by Vasily Vasiliev, of North-Eastern Federal University of the Sakha Republic, and controversial cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-Suk of Korea’s Sooam Biotech Research Foundation.

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Baby African elephants to join Seoul Zoo family

2010-12-05 - Seoul , South Korea. Robert Lee

Seoul’s zoo is expecting to receive two baby African elephants next year, the only ones in the country, according to zoo officials Sunday. Seoul Grand Park Zoo said they are in the process of obtaining baby African elephants, of both sexes, costing the city 280 million won ($246, 900). “Through an agency we are hoping to receive two elephants, from an African country, that are weaning and have good personalities,” according to park officials.

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Two more tuskers donated to Korea

2010-07-14 - Seoul, South Korea.

The Sri Lanka government recently decided to donate a pair of elephants to Korea by the end of July, a month after Cambodia donated two elephants for a Seoul zoo. According to Seoul diplomatic sources, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has offered a pair of five-year-old elephants, one female and one male, to the Global Love Sharing Center, a Seoul-based civic group, to thank the group for its efforts to help migrant workers from Sri Lanka.

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The male elephant donated by Cambodia to Korea. He and a female partner arrive by an Air Force C-130 cargo plane tonight.

Koreas Seoul Childrens Grand Park Zoo elephants to get a little less lonesome

2010-07-07 - Seoul, South Korea.

In the Seoul Zoo, Taesan, a 34-year old male, lives the lonely life of a widower after his mate Taesun died of colitis 14 years ago. Of the 11 elephants in six zoos across the country, five are females past childbearing age.

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Elephant gains stardom after criminal charges

2009-10-14 - Seoul, South Korea. Bae Hyun-jung

The first-ever elephant to be accused of assaulting a person has become the top star of the Seoul Children's Grand Park zoo after being cleared of its charges, according to zoo officials. A 48-year-old woman surnamed Kim claimed last month that one of the zoo's elephants, named Tae-san, knocked her out by throwing a large stone that hit her, but the police concluded the case, having found no evidence or witnesses. The zoo was also released from supervising responsibilities.

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An elephant plays in the water to cool off on a hot day at a zoo

South Korean police to investigate zoo elephant assault

2009-09-16 - Seoul, South Korea.

South Korean police, in one of their more heavyweight cases, are investigating whether a zoo elephant threw a stone at a woman visitor. The woman surnamed Kim told police she was visiting the zoo at the Children?s Grand Park in southeast Seoul on Monday when she noticed an elephant picking up a stone with its trunk.
After she turned away from 35-year-old Taesani, she was hit on the back of her head by a large stone, several newspapers reported. She reported the incident to police in Gwang...

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Seoul Grand Park released this photo of Giant during his active days, yesterday in memory of the 58-year-old elephant, who died on Sunday. [NEWSIS]

Korea’s oldest animal dies peacefully at the age of 58

2009-03-09 - Seoul, South Korea. Ser Myo-ja, JOONANG DAILY

Giant, an Asian elephant known to be the oldest animal in Korea, died on Sunday at the age of 58, Seoul Grand Park said yesterday.
According to the amusement park, located south of Seoul, the late Samsung chairman Lee Byung-chull brought Giant from Thailand in 1955 and offered him to the Changgyeong Palace zoo, Seoul Grand Park’s predecessor.
Giant was famous for his energy and was adored by many fans, the zoo said. He was known for his unusual habit of rarely sitting or lying d...

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Seoul Grand Park Zoo - Elephant Training in the Hermit Kingdom

2006-11-20 - Seoul, South Korea. John M. Regan

No longer a combat soldier, I became a desk jockey in charge of a computer; a “chairborne ranger.” For a pleasant diversion I decided to volunteer at the Seoul Grand Park Zoo. My wife explained my pre-military experience with elephants which included some time with Jack Hanna at the old Central Florida Zoo and a brief apprenticeship with Bill “Buckles” Woodcock at Ringling Brothers.

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stem cell scientist Hwang Woo-suk

S.Korea scientist Hwang Woo-suk says paid Russia mafia for mammoth

2006-10-24 - SEOUL, South Korea.

Disgraced South Korean stem cell scientist Hwang Woo-suk said on Tuesday he spent part of private donations for research to pay the Russian mafia for mammoth tissues to clone extinct elephant species. Hwang, once celebrated as a national hero, was indicted in May on charges of fraud and embezzlement after prosecutors said he was the mastermind of a scheme to make it look like his team had produced stem cells through cloning human embryos.

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Talking elephant Koshick in South Korean zoo amazes keeper Kim Jong-Kap

2006-09-14 - seoul, South Korea. Helen Long

The 15-year-old Asian elephant called Koshick began mimicking words used everyday by his South Korean keeper. Over the past two years, the elephant's diction has improved to the point that he can reproduce discernible phrases and words. Scientists are now hoping to establish whether Koshick can actually understand language.

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Scientist "tried to clone mammoth"

2006-07-25 - Seoul, South Korea. Jack Kim

Hwang Woo-suk, once celebrated as a national hero, was indicted in May on charges of fraud and embezzlement. Disgraced South Korean stem cell scientist Hwang Woo-suk said he spent part of private donations for his research in failed attempts to clone mammoths, extinct members of the elephant family.

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Rampage by elephants a blessing for restaurant in Seoul

2005-05-23 - Seoul, South Korea. Park Su-ryon

The barbecue restaurant that got a surprise visit from three elephants last month has become a very popular place since reopening last week. The eastern Seoul eatery was closed for a month after the April 21 incident, in which three elephants that had escaped from a nearby zoo burst in, overturning tables and breaking windows. The restaurant's owner, Geum Taek-hun, used the 18 million won ($18,000) she received in insurance compensation to remodel the shop. She also changed the name to "Restaura...

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Elephants rampage through Seoul after escaping from amusement park

2005-04-20 - SEOUL, South Korea.

Six elephants escaped from an amusement park Wednesday and injured a woman as they rampaged through the South Korean capital, officials said. All of the animals were eventually captured and returned to the park. One elephant charged into an alley near an elementary school and hit a 52-year-old woman, Roh In-sun, with its trunk, Yonhap news agency said. She was being treated at a hospital.

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15 Headlines about Elephants from SEOUL2024-02-15 - Seoul, South Korea - Farewell to Seoul"s oldest elephant passing at age of 59 2023-02-14 - Seoul, South Korea - Viral Video: Elephants Rescue A Drowning Calf In A Pool At Seoul Zoo; Watch Heartwarming Video! 2012-03-14 - SEOUL, South Korea - Woolly mammoth: Scientists agree deal to recreate extinct jumbo using elephant’s womb 2010-12-05 - Seoul , South Korea - Baby African elephants to join Seoul Zoo family 2010-07-14 - Seoul, South Korea - Two more tuskers donated to Korea 2010-07-07 - Seoul, South Korea - Koreas Seoul Childrens Grand Park Zoo elephants to get a little less lonesome 2009-10-14 - Seoul, South Korea - Elephant gains stardom after criminal charges 2009-09-16 - Seoul, South Korea - South Korean police to investigate zoo elephant assault 2009-03-09 - Seoul, South Korea - Korea’s oldest animal dies peacefully at the age of 58 2006-11-20 - Seoul, South Korea - Seoul Grand Park Zoo - Elephant Training in the Hermit Kingdom 2006-10-24 - SEOUL, South Korea - S.Korea scientist Hwang Woo-suk says paid Russia mafia for mammoth 2006-09-14 - seoul, South Korea - Talking elephant Koshick in South Korean zoo amazes keeper Kim Jong-Kap 2006-07-25 - Seoul, South Korea - Scientist "tried to clone mammoth" 2005-05-23 - Seoul, South Korea - Rampage by elephants a blessing for restaurant in Seoul 2005-04-20 - SEOUL, South Korea - Elephants rampage through Seoul after escaping from amusement park

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