
Cranbrook scientists confirm that remains found at Adams Road work site are from prehistoric mastodon

2006-07-11 - Riverdale, California, United States.

William McEntee, director of permits and concerns for the Road Commission, said a tooth was used to identify the remains as those of a mastodon and not a mammoth, which also lived in the area. John Zawiskie, geologist for the Cranbrook Institute of Science, said the bones will be taken to Cranbrook, where a scientific study would begin. Zawiskie said mastodons haven't been around in at least 12,000 years, but the discovery isn't as rare as people think."About every summer, something pops up," Za...

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1997-08-13 - Riverdale, California, United States. Jim Rogers, Jamie Ambrosi

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently charged licensed animal exhibitors John Cuneo and the Hawthorn Corporation, doing business in Grayslake, Ill., with violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Riverdale, California2006-07-11 - Riverdale, California, United States - Cranbrook scientists confirm that remains found at Adams Road work site are from prehistoric mastodon 1997-08-13 - Riverdale, California, United States - JOHN CUNEO AND HAWTHORN CORPORATION FACE USDA ANIMAL WELFARE CHARGES

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