A zoo in Russia’s Rostov-on-Don welcomes new arrival – a calf of an endangered Asian elephant.

Calf of endangered Asian elephant born in Russian zoo

2017-02-01 - ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russian Federation.

A zoo in Russian southern city of Rostov-on-Don welcomed a new-born elephant female calf born on Wednesday (January 18) from two 11-year-old Asian elephants Sinta and Yuma. “An elephant calf stood up immediately (after the birth) and started eating. In about an hour it started eating. You can see now it is sleepy. This particular calf sleeps while standing up. Sitara used to sleep while laying down. It seems to be an individual feature,” a zoo keeper Alexei Titov told journalists on ...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from ROSTOV-ON-DON2017-02-01 - ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russian Federation - Calf of endangered Asian elephant born in Russian zoo

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