
Quebec Senator introduces federal bill to ban having elephants in captivity

2022-03-22 - Quebec, Canada.

Paul Gosselin said the Granby Zoo has been thinking about getting out of the elephant business for the past few years. “Given that, and given the fact we have to agree that the elephant standards are getting more and more tough to keep them in zoological institutions, and given the fact the bill is coming and we supported it, we have decided as a group in Granby to transition out.” He said the zoo’s three African elephants – females Thandi and Sarah and male Tutum – will be moving out,...

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The menagerie manages: Circus animals unhurt after road accident

2012-04-30 - Quebec, Canada.

Vehicle transporting circus animals is all but completely destroyed in blaze north of Quebec City

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Quebec2022-03-22 - Quebec, Canada - Quebec Senator introduces federal bill to ban having elephants in captivity 2012-04-30 - Quebec, Canada - The menagerie manages: Circus animals unhurt after road accident

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