
Hollande dodges appeal to save sick elephants

2013-01-13 - Paris, France.

French President François Hollande said Wednesday he would not intervene to spare two zoo elephants diagnosed with tuberculosis. The decision by Lyon authorities to put down the two pachyderms has caused an outcry among animal rights activists.

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Brigitte Bardot Protests Euthanasia of French Circus Elephants

2013-01-07 - Paris, France.

Former French model and actress Brigitte Bardot is taking her animal activism to the next level by threatening to leave her home country and seek citizenship in Russia if two sick circus elephants are euthanized. According to the Huffington Post, France is scheduling to kill two 42-year-old elephants, named Baby and Nepal, who are suffering from tuberculosis at a Lyon zoo. Well, Bardot is not pleased.

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archeologists working along the Changis-sur-Marne riverbank about 30 miles (50 Km) east of Paris, after unearthing the rare near complete skeleton of a mammoth, which has been christened “Helmut". The remains which include four connected vertebrae and

Mammoth skeleton found in France

2012-11-07 - Paris, France.

Archaeologists in France have unearthed a rather hairy fossil _ a nearly complete skeleton of a mammoth. The bones _ thought to belong to a creature that roamed the earth between 200,000 and 50,000 years ago _ were discovered by accident during the excavation of an ancient Roman site 30 miles (50 kilometers) east of Paris. It may be only the third remains of a long-haired woolly mammoth discovered in France in the last 150 years. Such discoveries are more common in Siberia.

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Dovima with Elephants was taken in 1955 and fetched $1.15 million US.

Avedon auction reaps $7.5M

2010-11-20 - Paris, France.

An auction of prints by fashion photographer Richard Avedon has netted more than $7.5 million US. Billed as the largest auction ever of Avedon works, 65 photos were put on the block. Avedon´s most famous picture may be Dovima with elephants, a 224-centimetre by 152-centimetre print that adorned the entrance to his New York City studio for more than two decades. It sold for $1.15 million US. The sales in Paris will benefit his eponymous foundation, which is seeking to establish an endowment...

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Police seized $1 million worth of rhino horns and ivory and shut down an illegal ivory factory in a sweep across southern Africa.

African police seize $1 million in rhino horns, ivory

2010-05-18 - Paris, France.

Police seized $1 million worth of rhino horns and ivory and shut down an illegal ivory factory in a sweep across southern Africa, international police agency Interpol said on Tuesday, May 18. The operation, which Interpol coordinated earlier this month, included the arrests of 41 people. "Taking these illegal items off the market is just the first step," said Peter Younger, manager of Interpols Africa wildlife programme.

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Excerpts and Extracts: Paris Besieged in 1870, elephant dinner January 6th 1871

2008-10-06 - Paris, France.

Yesterday, I had a slice of Pollux for dinner. Pollux and his brother Castor are two elephants, which have been killed. It was tough, coarse, and oily, and I do not recommend English families to eat elephant as long as they can get beef or mutton. Castor and Pollux's trunks sold for 45fr. a lb.; the other parts of the interesting twins fetched about 10fr. a lb.

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APROCOFF denounces frequent slaughter of elephants in Chad

2008-09-30 - Paris, France.

At least 750 elephants are killed every year at the Zakouma National Park, in Chad, President of Association for the Protection and Preserva tion of Fauna and Flora (APROCOFF), Hamdan Annadif, disclosed here. "In 2004, Zakouma Park had 4,351 elephants; now there are only 1,000 left. On average, 750 elephants are savagely killed every year in the park. There are more carcasses of elephants than the living species," he told NAN. Annadif said that since 2002, the number of elephants in the park had...

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Ban on Ivory Proposed in Africa

2007-04-24 - Paris, France.

African states have called for a 20-year ban on trade in ivory to protect the continent's elephants from poachers and possible extinction in the wild.
Kenya and Mali, which spearheaded the moratorium along with Togo and Ghana, are seeking to have the measure adopted at the June meeting of the 169-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), their representatives said at a meeting in Paris on Tuesday.

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Babar the Elephant turns 75

2006-06-28 - PARIS, France. James Mackenzie

Babar the Elephant, a timeless figure of children's literature, turns 75 this year, his trademark crown and green suit unmarked by changing fashions and criticism that his jungle realm is a relic of colonialism. Babar was created one evening in 1931 when Cecile de Brunhoff, a piano teacher, told her two small sons the story of an elephant whose mother is killed by hunters and who flees to a town where he learns to dress as a human.

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A case study of apparent conflict between molecular phylogenies: the interrelationships of African elephants

2005-03-03 - Paris, France. Régis Debruyne

Recent molecular phylogenies of the African elephants suggest that there is an evolutionary structure within Loxodonta africana. Some nuclear results (Roca et al., 2001) support the separation of the forest African elephant subspecies L. a. cyclotis as a species distinct from the savannah elephant L. a. africana, on the basis of the recognition of both forming highly divergent (reciprocally monophyletic) clades.

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10 Headlines about Elephants from Paris2013-01-13 - Paris, France - Hollande dodges appeal to save sick elephants 2013-01-07 - Paris, France - Brigitte Bardot Protests Euthanasia of French Circus Elephants 2012-11-07 - Paris, France - Mammoth skeleton found in France 2010-11-20 - Paris, France - Avedon auction reaps $7.5M 2010-05-18 - Paris, France - African police seize $1 million in rhino horns, ivory 2008-10-06 - Paris, France - Excerpts and Extracts: Paris Besieged in 1870, elephant dinner January 6th 1871 2008-09-30 - Paris, France - APROCOFF denounces frequent slaughter of elephants in Chad 2007-04-24 - Paris, France - Ban on Ivory Proposed in Africa 2006-06-28 - PARIS, France - Babar the Elephant turns 75 2005-03-03 - Paris, France - A case study of apparent conflict between molecular phylogenies: the interrelationships of African elephants

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