
2011 Elephant Festival in Laos

2011-02-18 - Paklay, Laos.

For its 5th edition, the Lao Elephant Festival will take place on: 18th, 19th & 20th February 2011. Paklay District, Sayaboury province

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The elephant festival

2008-02-15 - Paklay, Laos.

the Elephant Festival has been organised to raise awareness of the need for action to protect the Asian elephant as part of the vital cultural and natural heritage of Laos and the countries of the region. Sayaboury Province welcomes you back to pay tribute to its elephants and enjoy great cultural activities and entertainment.

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A mahout scrubs his elephant

2008-02-14 - Paklay, Laos.

A mahout scrubs his elephant in a river Paklay, Laos, where the annual pachyderm festival is under way. The event draws attention to the plight of domestic and wild elephants in Asia. Laos once had more than a million of the beasts; now there are fewer than 2,000.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from Paklay2011-02-18 - Paklay, Laos - 2011 Elephant Festival in Laos 2008-02-15 - Paklay, Laos - The elephant festival 2008-02-14 - Paklay, Laos - A mahout scrubs his elephant

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