
Ex-Philly elephant being moved again

2011-11-02 - Philadelphia, United States.

The Philadelphia Zoo announced yesterday that Kallie, an elephant that was moved to the Pittsburgh Zoo´s International Conservation Center in 2009 - along with Bette, another African elephant - was moved again yesterday, this time to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.

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American art dealer charged with ivory trafficking

2011-07-28 - Philadelphia, United States.

An African art dealer from Philadelphia was arrested on Tuesday 26 July and has been charged with illegally smuggling elephant ivory. Police seized one ton of ivory originating from Africa, making it one of the largest seizures of ivory to be illegally imported to the United States. The suspect, Victor Gordon, stained and dyed the ivory to create the impression that it was old.

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Zoo: Heart, lung woes killed Petal

2008-08-27 - Philadelphia, United States. Bonnie L. Cook

Petal, the Philadelphia Zoo's beloved African elephant, died of acute heart and lung failure after she fell on her side while sleeping, zoo officials said yesterday. What's more, the 52-year-old pachyderm, the oldest of her kind in an American zoo, suffered from an underlying condition related to aging - heart disease, according to autopsy results released yesterday. "Like some elderly people, older animals are often able to compensate for chronic health problems up to a point, but when somethin...

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Zoo elephant died after fall

2008-08-26 - Philadelphia, United States. Bonnie L. Cook

Petal, the Philadelphia Zoo's beloved African elephant, died of acute heart and lung failure after she fell on her side while sleeping, zoo officials said yesterday. What's more, the 52-year-old pachyderm, the oldest of her kind in an American zoo, suffered from an underlying condition related to aging - heart disease, according to autopsy results released Tuesday. At autopsy, pathologists found latent traces of a bacteria that can cause tuberculosis in Petal's lung tissue, according to prelimin...

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Group wants answers in death of Petal the elephant

2008-06-19 - Philadelphia, United States. GLORIA CAMPISI

Kutenga, a female African elephant, was only 27 when she collapsed in her stall at the Philadelphia Zoo in 1991 and died despite heroic efforts to get her to her feet, including trying to lift her with the hook from a tow truck.
Peggy, 52, a female Asian elephant, fell to the concrete floor of the zoo's elephant quarters in 1994 and was euthanized shortly afterward because of debilitating arthritis and dental disease, which made eating difficult.

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Philadelphia Zoo elephant Petal dies

2008-06-10 - Philadelphia, United States.

A 52-year old female African elephant at the Philadelphia Zoo died Monday morning, the zoo said. Called Petal, the elephant was one of three African elephants scheduled to be moved to a new preserve outside Pittsburgh. The death will not affect the transfer of the two remaining elephants to the Pittsburgh Zoo's International Conservation Center, which should take place by late summer or early fall, a Philadelphia Zoo spokeswoman said. The zoo said it expects testing to determine Petal's cause of...

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Philadelphia Zoo

Where are the true conservation efforts? Killing and breeding

2008-02-28 - Philadelphia, United States. Marianne Bessey, Friends of Philly Zoo Elephants

Just last month, the Philadelphia Zoo confirmed plans to breed its two younger African elephants as part of continuing "elephant-conservation efforts" and estimated costs of a new elephant exhibit at $27 million. This week, South African officials announced that thousands of African elephants would be killed starting May 1 to reduce an alleged overpopulation of elephants in that country.

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Philadelphia Zoo chief wants elephants back

2008-01-24 - Philadelphia, United States. GLORIA CAMPISI, Philadelphia Daily News

Maybe they can come home again. And the Philadelphia Zoo is hoping its two young African elephants, scheduled to be moved in the spring to a conservation center in southwestern Pennsylvania for breeding, will do just that - accompanied by elephant babies, called calves. The zoo's president and chief executive officer, Vikram Dewan, said yesterday that the idea of a new elephant enclosure at the Philadelphia Zoo is still a gleam in the eye of zoo planners.

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Elephants to spend another fall in Philadelphia

2007-09-19 - Philadelphia, United States.

The Philadelphia Zoo said Wednesday it now plans to say goodbye to its three remaining elephants by early next year. The move had been planned for the fall. The African elephants will be moved to the Pittsburgh Zoos International Conservation Center, which is in Fairhope, Somerset County, Pa. At the earliest, the elephants would be moved late this year. A fourth elephant was moved earlier this year to the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tenn.

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Dulary is on her way!

2007-04-30 - Philadelphia, United States. Kim Lengal, Vice President of Conservation

Dulary is on her way to Tennessee! This morning after stretching her legs in her exhibit and taking a nice long morning drink, Dulary sauntered over to the open trailer and after a little hesitation, calmly walked up and into the trailer. Upon entering the trailer, she stood calmly eating her greens while her keepers said their good-byes and the rest of the staff bustled about getting everything in readiness for her departure.

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Dulary the elephant is leaving the Philadelphia Zoo after 41 years, to go to a sanctuary for retirement.

Elephant Dulary Leaving Philadelphia Zoo After 41 Years

2007-04-30 - PHILADELPHIA, United States.

After 41 years at the Philadelphia Aoo, Dulary the elephant will be leaving Monday. Friends came to sign a going away card for Dulary, who is headed for retirement, because the zoo is closing its elephant exhibit, reacting in part to pressure from animal rights groups who believe they suffer in cramped enclosures. The departure of Dulary, after 41 years, is symbolic. Philadelphia's zoo is the nation's oldest, and when it opened in 1874 its first exhibit was an elephant.

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African Elephants At Philly Zoo Find New Home in Pittsburgh

2007-04-26 - Philadelphia, United States.

Three African elephants from the Philadelphia Zoo will be moved to the Pittsburgh Zoo's new conservation center. The elephants: Petal, 51; Kallie, 24; and Bette, 23 -- will be sent to the International Conservation Center in the Somerset County town of Fairhope in the fall, the zoos announced Thursday. The two younger elephants are still able to breed, and officials hope that's what will happen after the move. The Pittsburgh Zoo houses an adult bull, who is one of only four breeding African bull...

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Maryland Zoo says it has a new home, again, for elephants

2007-04-25 - Philadelphia, United States.

The Philadelphia Zoo said Wednesday it will announce the new home for its three African elephants on Thursday. The fate of its four elephants has been hanging for more than six months since the zoo said it did not have the money to upgrade its pachyderm house. The African elephants were originally supposed to go to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, but last month Maryland officials said plans to build a new elephant exhibit had been delayed. The fourth, an Asian elephant, will go to a sanctuary in ...

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Last weekend to see 43-year-old Dulary in Philadelphia Zoo before moving

2007-04-25 - Philadelphia, United States.

Dulary, the Philadelphia Zoo's Asian elephant, is almost ready to leave for her new home. This weekend (April 28 and 29) will likely be her last weekend in Philadelphia, so your family may want to visit her one more time to say good-bye. The Zoo staff will blog about her travels. Check out the first blog!

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Banned zoo protester plans return

2007-04-12 - Philadelphia, United States. josh cornfield

Marianne Bessey claims it was only a poor attempt at satire when she made threats toward the director of the Philadelphia Zoo, saying in an Internet message board post that Alexander “Pete” Hoskins could die very soon. The zoo, however, wasn’t amused, banning the animal-rights activist from the premises and filing a police report against her. The leader of the Friends of Philly Zoo Elephants, which has campaigned for the relocation of the zoo’s elephants to a sanctuary in Tennessee, Bess...

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Marianne Bessey, expert on Michael Smerconish and what the elephants really deserve

2007-04-12 - Philadelphia, United States. Marianne Bessey, spokeswoman for Friends of Philly Zoo Elephants

IN HIS column "Save the Elephants!", Michael Smerconish expressed great concern about the animals' departure from the Philadelphia Zoo. Unfortunately, his concern is not about saving elephants, but about preserving his family's opportunity to view an elephant in a zoo. Mr. Smerconish is obviously a zoo-goer, and zoos like to claim they are educational, but Mr. Smerconish clearly hasn't been educated about elephants, or he'd know that elephants are very social and that family is everything to the...

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Why keeping 2 elephants at Philadelphia Zoo makes sense

2007-04-10 - Philadelphia, United States. Carolyn Davis

The Philadelphia Zoo should keep two of its elephants, even if they are bored, even if they cannot roam the savannas, woodlands and forests of Africa or Asia, even if captivity means a shortened life. It's worth the trade-off if Kallie, Bette or Petal stay to fire the imagination of children and educate young and old about wildlife and the importance of conservation.

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Dulary: An empty celebration.


2007-03-29 - Philadelphia, United States. Michael Smerconish

THERES an elephant in the room, and if we dont hurry up and talk about her, shell likely end up in the Volunteer State. Her name is Dulary. These must be her final days in Philadelphia because last week I received an invite to her Farewell Celebration at the Philadelphia Zoo. When I mentioned Dularys celebration to one of my sons, he said, Its not a zoo unless it has elephants. Hes right. We should exhaust every option before allowing the elephants to leave town.

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Dulary rests her trunk. The Phila. Zoo

Search for new stomping grounds

2007-03-26 - Philadelphia, United States. Julie Stoiber

Caught by surprise last week when the Maryland Zoo backed out of a deal to adopt its three African elephants, the Philadelphia Zoo is now searching for a home for the animals at institutions within a day's drive of here.
The Pittsburgh Zoo and the North Carolina Zoo, which had been considered and are poised to open expanded African elephant habitats, seemed likely prospects.

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Philadelphia Zoo elephants: California dreamin"?

2007-03-22 - Philadelphia, United States. TOM SCHMIDT

The Philadelphia Zoos three African elephants may eventually wind up in California. Pat Derby, director of PAWS, the Performing Animal Welfare Society, yesterday practically welcomed the elephants to the societys spacious sanctuary with open arms. Andrew Baker, vice president for animal programs at the zoo, said no one had approached him with a proposal that the elephants be placed at the PAWS sanctuary.

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When you leave, one fan wrote, you are taking our hearts with you. Preparing for an elephantine goodbye at Philadelphia Zoo

2007-03-05 - Philadelphia, United States. Julie Stoiber

The Philadelphia Zoo has begun a send-off celebration for some of its best-loved stars as it prepares to close the elephant exhibit this spring and send Petal, Dulary, Bette and Kallie to new homes, leaving the Philadelphia Zoo without elephants for the first time in its 133-year history. The zoo also has issued elephant trading cards, and plans to fete the sociable pachyderms with Elephun Days the last two weekends in March , offering photo ops and other farewell activities.

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Big Trouble in Philadelphia Zoo. The elephants should be on parade — here in Philly.

2006-11-08 - Philadelphia, United States. Mitchell Gordon

Am I the only one who feels a sense of outrage that Baltimore — the city that showed us how to build stadiums and waterfronts — will now acquire the elephants of America's first zoo, and thereby leave thousands of kids in this region with nothing but a video memory of these stupendous giants?

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After 132 Years, Philadelphia Zoo Will Send Off Its Elephants

2006-11-05 - PHILADELPHIA, United States. ROBERT STRAUSS

Over the ensuing 132 years, elephants have been a big part of the zoo’s attraction. Instead of expanding the space for the exhibit, the zoo’s board of directors has decided to put the money elsewhere. In Philadelphia, meanwhile, there is a slim hope that elephants will eventually return to the zoo, since the board said it could not come up with proper financing at this point.

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They debated on Philly"s zoo, property taxes and more.

2006-10-29 - PHILADELPHIA, United States. PETER JACKSON

One panelist asked the candidates whether they thought the state should step in to help the zoo in Pennsylvania's largest city complete an expansion of its elephant exhibit, which was canceled because of rising costs and fundraising problems. Swann said "he would work to find a way to "get some elephants back in there", Rendell stopped short of promising help for the elephants in his home city's zoo

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The Philadelphia Zoo

Time to see Philadelphia Zoo elephants passing

2006-10-27 - Philadelphia, United States. PATRICIA TALORICO

There are lions and tigers and bears. But, very soon, no elephants. Now -- and for just a few months more, is your last chance to catch the elephants in Philly. The cash-strapped zoo, the first in the country, could not afford to expand the 1,800-square-foot, 1940s era barn and quarter-acre yard where the pachyderms now live.

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2006-10-09 - Philadelphia, United States.

THE NEWS that Philadelphia will be losing Kallie, Bette and Petal, the three African elephants that the Philadelphia Zoo is transferring to Baltimore because it can't afford a necessary expansion, surely has us sad, but also concerned. Maybe it's selfish, but we can't help wondering: How can you be a world-class city without elephants?

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Awesome elephants belong in better place than a freezing zoo

2006-10-08 - Philadelphia, United States.

The elephants at the Philadelphia Zoo have fascinated kids and former kids around here for generations. Many of us remember staring in awe at the magnificent animals, waiting for them to lift their trunks and trumpet. They were our wide-eyed introduction to the wonders of wildlife. But times and attitudes change. Whether elephants should be in zoos at all is a controversy. But just about everyone agrees that the confined spaces of old zoos and freezing temperatures in northern states are bad for...

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Elephants, it turns out, are excellent road animals

2006-10-07 - Philadelphia, United States. Mitch Lipka

It turns out that moving elephants is a lot less complicated than it might seem - and fairly common. Sure, they're big. And, yes, it takes quite a bit of preparation. But, in the end, the 8,000-pound elephant walks into the back of a semi-trailer and is driven to its destination. Circuses and zoos do it all the time. And elephants - for those worried about the four leaving the Philadelphia Zoo by the spring - are pretty good travelers.

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Elephant exhibit will close. The Philadelphia hoped to build a new habitat for its herd, but money is tight.

2006-10-07 - Philadelphia, United States. Julie Stoiber

The Philadelphia Zoo announced yesterday that it will close one of its most popular and enduring exhibits - the elephant habitat - at a time when many zoos are launching elephant expansions and breeding programs as part of a nationwide push to reinvigorate the captive population.

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Philadelphia Zoo Relocating Its Elephants

2006-10-05 - PHILADELPHIA, United States. Vernon Odom and Bob Monek

As first reported by Action News on, the Philadelphia Zoo has decided to part ways with its elephants. The announcement that the elephant exhibit would be closed came at a news conference this afternoon. The African elephants - 50-year-old Petal, 24-year-old Kallie and 23-year-old Bette - will be moved to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. 42-year-old Dulary, an Asian elephant, will go to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

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Elephant rights activist banned from zoo

2006-02-24 - PHILADELPHIA, United States.

An animal-rights activist was banned from the Philadelphia Zoo for online comments directed at the facility's chief executive. Marianne Bessey, leader of Friends of Philly Zoo Elephants, wrote in an Internet chat room called the Elephant Connection about Dulary, an elephant kept in a concrete barn since August. She said zoo director Alexander L. "Pete" Hoskins might suffer nightmares about Dulary, a 42-year-old, injured elephant in his care, and might indeed be past his own life expectancy, the ...

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The Elephant in the Room, U.S. Zoos Struggle With Question of Keeping Pachyderms in Captivity

2005-12-28 - PHILADELPHIA, United States. Robert Strauss

Some things haven't changed at the Philadelphia Zoo, America's oldest, founded in 1874. It is still open every day and, for the time being, it still has elephants. But in Philadelphia, as in zoos around the country, the question of whether elephants should be kept at all zoos -- or maybe even any zoo -- has almost abruptly become a sensitive one.

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Group wants elephants out of Philly zoo

2005-12-19 - PHILADELPHIA, United States.

A grassroots organization is trying to convince the Philadelphia Zoo to send its elephants to a sanctuary where they will have more living space. Friends of the Philly Zoo Elephants this week took a petition drive to the Gallery, a downtown shopping mall. "The issue is heating up, and we think if we can get enough publicity, the zoo will do the right thing and send the elephants to the sanctuary," said Rowan Morrison, a member of the group. "The zoos don't have enough space."

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Kidneys are ailing Philadelphia Zoo elephant. The zoo"s Dulary, injured Aug. 30 in a fight, has shown side effects from medicine she was given.

2005-10-22 - Philadelphia, United States. Julie Stoiber

Philadelphia Zoo veterinarians are monitoring Dulary the elephant for kidney-function problems, a side effect of antibiotics she took after being injured in a fight in late summer with stablemate Bette. Doctors are not sure whether the 9,000-pound Asian elephant, who is 41, has a kidney infection or inflammation but have taken her off the medicine thought to have caused the problems, said Andy Baker, senior vice president for animal programs at the zoo.

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Philadelphia Zoo might lose elephants, 4 pachyderms could be shipped out over $ shortage

2005-10-21 - Philadelphia, United States. GLORIA CAMPISI

The pachyderms may be packing it in at the Philadelphia Zoo. Zoo officials could scrap plans for a costly new elephant exhibit within weeks, and decide to send away the zoo's herd. But that decision would have nothing to do with a recent clash between two of the pachyderms that may have blinded the right eye of one of them, they said. Dulary, 41, the zoo's only Asian elephant and the matriarch of the four-elephant herd, suffered a cut on her eyelid in a shoving match with a younger African eleph...

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Philadelphia Zoo looking for state funds to keep elephants

2005-08-28 - PHILADELPHIA, United States.

The Philadelphia Zoo may have to send some of its resident elephants packing if it can't secure millions of dollars from the state for a new elephant exhibit. The zoo's herd currently occupies a quarter-acre yard with an 1,800-square-foot barn, built in the 1940s. While the enclosure meets the current standards of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, some say it doesn't give the elephants the ability to forage or roam. Now, the zoo is urging the state to come forward with $7.2 million in c...

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36 Headlines about Elephants from PHILADELPHIA2011-11-02 - Philadelphia, United States - Ex-Philly elephant being moved again 2011-07-28 - Philadelphia, United States - American art dealer charged with ivory trafficking 2008-08-27 - Philadelphia, United States - Zoo: Heart, lung woes killed Petal 2008-08-26 - Philadelphia, United States - Zoo elephant died after fall 2008-06-19 - Philadelphia, United States - Group wants answers in death of Petal the elephant 2008-06-10 - Philadelphia, United States - Philadelphia Zoo elephant Petal dies 2008-02-28 - Philadelphia, United States - Where are the true conservation efforts? Killing and breeding 2008-01-24 - Philadelphia, United States - Philadelphia Zoo chief wants elephants back 2007-09-19 - Philadelphia, United States - Elephants to spend another fall in Philadelphia 2007-04-30 - Philadelphia, United States - Dulary is on her way! 2007-04-30 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - Elephant Dulary Leaving Philadelphia Zoo After 41 Years 2007-04-26 - Philadelphia, United States - African Elephants At Philly Zoo Find New Home in Pittsburgh 2007-04-25 - Philadelphia, United States - Maryland Zoo says it has a new home, again, for elephants 2007-04-25 - Philadelphia, United States - Last weekend to see 43-year-old Dulary in Philadelphia Zoo before moving 2007-04-12 - Philadelphia, United States - Banned zoo protester plans return 2007-04-12 - Philadelphia, United States - Marianne Bessey, expert on Michael Smerconish and what the elephants really deserve 2007-04-10 - Philadelphia, United States - Why keeping 2 elephants at Philadelphia Zoo makes sense 2007-03-29 - Philadelphia, United States - SAVE THE ELEPHANTS! 2007-03-26 - Philadelphia, United States - Search for new stomping grounds 2007-03-22 - Philadelphia, United States - Philadelphia Zoo elephants: California dreamin"? 2007-03-05 - Philadelphia, United States - When you leave, one fan wrote, you are taking our hearts with you. Preparing for an elephantine goodbye at Philadelphia Zoo 2006-11-08 - Philadelphia, United States - Big Trouble in Philadelphia Zoo. The elephants should be on parade — here in Philly. 2006-11-05 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - After 132 Years, Philadelphia Zoo Will Send Off Its Elephants 2006-10-29 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - They debated on Philly"s zoo, property taxes and more. 2006-10-27 - Philadelphia, United States - Time to see Philadelphia Zoo elephants passing 2006-10-09 - Philadelphia, United States - WHY EVICTING ELEPHANTS FROM PHILADELPHIA ZOO IS A DUMBO IDEA. WE NEED PACHYDERMS TO ADD TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE 2006-10-08 - Philadelphia, United States - Awesome elephants belong in better place than a freezing zoo 2006-10-07 - Philadelphia, United States - Elephants, it turns out, are excellent road animals 2006-10-07 - Philadelphia, United States - Elephant exhibit will close. The Philadelphia hoped to build a new habitat for its herd, but money is tight. 2006-10-05 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - Philadelphia Zoo Relocating Its Elephants 2006-02-24 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - Elephant rights activist banned from zoo 2005-12-28 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - The Elephant in the Room, U.S. Zoos Struggle With Question of Keeping Pachyderms in Captivity 2005-12-19 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - Group wants elephants out of Philly zoo 2005-10-22 - Philadelphia, United States - Kidneys are ailing Philadelphia Zoo elephant. The zoo"s Dulary, injured Aug. 30 in a fight, has shown side effects from medicine she was given. 2005-10-21 - Philadelphia, United States - Philadelphia Zoo might lose elephants, 4 pachyderms could be shipped out over $ shortage 2005-08-28 - PHILADELPHIA, United States - Philadelphia Zoo looking for state funds to keep elephants

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