Former Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya stands in front of a white elephant during a visit to Burma.

White elephant hunt, 5 million baht reward

2013-04-28 - PHETCHABURI, Thailand.

A hunt is on for a possible white elephant in Kaeng Krachan National Park, with a reward of 5 million baht being offered to hunters who can capture the elephant – if it exists. The sighting of the white elephant was reported by Apichart Puangnoi, a photographer who visited Krarang Sam reservoir in tambon Pa Teng on April 10, where a pregnant elephant was found dead the day before. Mr Apichart spotted the calf from still photos of an elephant herd he took and then reported the sighting to ...

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Seized guns will be tested to find whether it is used to kill the elephant.

Guns seized in slain elephant raids

2013-03-25 - Phetchaburi, Thailand.

Provincial Police Region 7 officers backed by special units of the Royal Thai Army have seized a large quantity of hunting weapons as the investigation continues into the killing of a female elephant with a calf in Kaeng Krachan National Park in Phetchaburi. A 375-strong force drawn from the police and the army launched raids on Monday morning in four tambons in Hua Hin district, Prachuap Khiri Khan province, and Kaeng Krachan district, Phetchaburi province, Pol Lt Gen Harnpol Nitwibul, commiss...

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Suriyon Pothibandit, left, assistant to Kaeng Krachan National Park chief Chaiwat Limlikitauksorn, right, surrenders to police, who want him in connection with the recent burning of a wild elephant carcass in the park.

Assistant park chief surrenders in elephant case

2012-01-18 - PHETCHABURI, Thailand.

An assistant to the chief of the Kaeng Krachan National Park wanted by police in connection with the burning of a wild elephant carcass early this month has turned himself in. Suriyon Pothibandit, assistant to Kaeng Krachan National Park chief Chaiwat Limlikit-auksorn, surrendered to Kaeng Krachan police, who are investigating the elephant killing and burning case. Five elephants were recently found shot dead and their carcasses burnt in the park. Police have laid charges against five park staff...

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3 Headlines about Elephants from PHETCHABURI2013-04-28 - PHETCHABURI, Thailand - White elephant hunt, 5 million baht reward 2013-03-25 - Phetchaburi, Thailand - Guns seized in slain elephant raids 2012-01-18 - PHETCHABURI, Thailand - Assistant park chief surrenders in elephant case

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