
Trio of elephants named Norfolk"s ambassador of the year

2007-05-17 - Norfolk, United States.

The city has bestowed one of its highest tourism honors upon three of its biggest residents. Cita, Monica and Lisa, a trio of elephants at the Virginia Zoo who weigh in at 7,800, 8,600 and 10,000 pounds respectively became the first nonhumans to be named Norfolks ambassador of the year on Wednesday. The popular pachyderms represent the big picture when it comes to hospitality and customer service as they happily go about their day performing their various crowd-pleasing assignments, including pu...

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Norfolk zoo gets its third elephant

2005-04-02 - NORFOLK, United States.

The Norfolk Zoo has a new addition, a 35-year-old African elephant named Cita. The elephant arrived this week to join Monica and Lisa, two other female elephants who have lived at the zoo for more than 30 years. The Indianapolis Zoo donated Cita to Norfolk to make room for the calves that two pregnant elephants are expected to bear later this year.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from NORFOLK2007-05-17 - Norfolk, United States - Trio of elephants named Norfolk"s ambassador of the year 2005-04-02 - NORFOLK, United States - Norfolk zoo gets its third elephant

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