
Balle camp in Karnataka turns into jumbo kindergarten

2012-09-09 - Nagarahole, India.

The Balle camp in Nagarhole National Park has turned into an elephant nursery with four calves being born to Dasara elephants Mary, Varalakshmi, Gange and Sarala. Though these four elephants will miss the Jumboo Savari this year, the camp is bustling with activity and wears a festive look. The mahouts, kavadis and forest officials at the camp are taking special care of the mothers and babies, putting them on a special diet.

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Elephants in the mist

2005-09-10 - Nagarahole, India. Bhushan Datta

The early morning mist rising off the Kabini Reservoir gives the land a surreal look. The elephant has spent the night browsing on the juicy bamboo leaves and needs a drink of water before retreating into the cool depths of the forest. The rising sun soon bums away the last tendrils of mist, beginning another hot day at the Nagarahole National Park in Karnataka.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Nagarahole2012-09-09 - Nagarahole, India - Balle camp in Karnataka turns into jumbo kindergarten 2005-09-10 - Nagarahole, India - Elephants in the mist

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