10-year-old Charlie Gilpin (right) and Bryant Ashton found the mammoth fossil while exploring.

McMinnvile boys find ancient fossils from wolly mammoth

2007-06-04 - McMinnvile, United States. NICK BRADSHAW

A pair of McMinnville boys made a mammoth discovery along the Yamhill River last week, literally. According to the McMinnville News Register, the two 10-year-olds were out exploring when they stumbled upon a strange looking stone. The newspaper reports Charlie Gilpin and Bryant Ashton took their find to Geologist Bill Orr who recognized the specimen as a rear molar of the ancient elephant-like mammoth.

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1 Headlines about Elephants from McMinnvile2007-06-04 - McMinnvile, United States - McMinnvile boys find ancient fossils from wolly mammoth

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