Encouraging a new friend.

Mayapur Welcomes Newest Resident

2010-03-31 - Mayapur, India. Hari Sauri Dasa

At about 8.00 AM on March 30 2010 Mayapur received its newest resident– Vishnu-priya the baby elephant. After a tortuous 2 years of negotiation Hrmati Dasi performed the practically impossible task of bringing a new companion for Laxmi-priya from Assam to her new home in the holy dhama.

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Memories of our very dear friend Gulab-Kali

2007-02-09 - Mayapur, India. Bhakti Caru Swami, Vrindavan Lila Dasi, HRIMATI Mataji, Gandharvika Devi Dasi, Vrindavan Lila Dasi,

I remember when Gulab was brought to Mayapur in early eighties. Sundar-kali, the grown up female elephant, was already there in Mayapur and it was felt that she needed a companion. So Bhavananda Prabhu asked Radhajivan to arrange for another elephant, and he suggested that this one should be a baby. Radhajivan went to a big animal fare in Uttar Pradesh and brought Gulab. She was just a little baby at that time, may be just about a few months old.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Mayapur2010-03-31 - Mayapur, India - Mayapur Welcomes Newest Resident 2007-02-09 - Mayapur, India - Memories of our very dear friend Gulab-Kali

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