
One More White Elephant Captured in Arakan

2010-09-24 - Maungdaw, Myanmar. Takaloo

Another rare white elephant was captured on Thursday in the remote jungle of northwestern Maungdaw Township in Burma´s Arakan State, said a forestry official. "The white elephant is 18 years old and her height is 7 feet and 1 inch. After a five-day joint operation by forestry, army, and Nasaka forces, the elephant was finally caught at 11:55 am in the jungle nearby Yan Aung Pyin Village under Kyein Chaung in northern Maungdaw," the official said.

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Number of Wild Elephants in Mayu Range Increasing

2009-02-11 - Maungdaw, Myanmar.

The number of wild elephants have been increasing in the Mayu Range, located on the Mayu Peninsula between the Naff and Mayu Rivers in western Burma, as elephants from other parts of Burma including the Indian and Bangladesh borders have been moving into the area this cold season, said an official from the forest department.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Maungdaw2010-09-24 - Maungdaw, Myanmar - One More White Elephant Captured in Arakan 2009-02-11 - Maungdaw, Myanmar - Number of Wild Elephants in Mayu Range Increasing

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