2013-04-27 - Maputu, Mozambique.
Mozambique´s elephant population risks being obliterated within a decade unless tight anti-poaching measures are introduced, conservationists have warned. The alarming scale of the poaching problem has become increasingly apparent, with an aerial survey of the north of the country in 2011 tallying 2,667 elephant carcasses in the vast Niassa reserve alone.
2007-09-18 - Maputu, Mozambique.
The Mozambican government on Monday authorised soldiers to gun down wild animals who are seen as a threat to human beings after a new report highlighted an increase in the number of deadly attacks. The number of people killed by wild animals keeps increasing, said the government-sponsored report which found that around 300 people had been killed in the last decade. Elephants and crocodiles were responsible for most of these deaths, said government spokesman Luis Covane. The government has theref...
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