
Ignored Policy and Imprisoned Elephants

2007-04-26 - Lunugamvehera, Sri Lanka. Tharuka Dissanaike

Another elephant death was reported the week before from Lunugamvehera. There is no real count of the number of elephants that have died in this area after several failed drives by the Department of Wildlife Conservation. The number can conservatively be put around 12 deaths both within and outside the park boundaries. Villagers in the area believe however that the number is much higher: We have lived for many centuries with elephants. We are not asking them to be driven away. But farmers need s...

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Skin and bone, a dead elephant at the Lunugamvehera Park

Driven to death

2007-04-01 - Lunugamvehera National Park, Sri Lanka. Kumudini Hettiarachchi

Is the very move – relocating elephants in the national parks – aimed at protecting these majestic animals killing them? Several of the elephants, about 250 herded into the Lunugamvehera Park, under two phases of an elephant drive that began in 2005, may have died for lack of food, resulting in malnourishment and disease, The Sunday Times learns, after a visit to the area this week. What will be the fate of the remaining elephants, considering that the dry season is just starting?

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Lunugamvehera National Park2007-04-01 - Lunugamvehera National Park, Sri Lanka - Driven to death

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