
Crocodile bites trunk of thirsty elephant

2013-11-12 - Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

An elephant was bitten by a hungry crocodile as it reached its trunk into a watering hole at the Mfuwe Lodge in the South Luangwa Nation Park in Zambia.

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The elephants walk through Mfuwe Lodge of their own accord as the lodge is on their route to the wild mangoe trees

Wild elephants stroll through hotel reception.

2008-10-01 - Luangwa, Zambia.

It's not everyday that you see a wild elephant standing next to you at the reception of a hotel. But in the Mfuwe Lodge in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, the sight of one or even ten elephants strolling around the lobby is a regular occurrence. Unwittingly built on the elephant's traditional path in 1998, the Mfuwe Lodge stands directly en-route to this elephant herd's favourite food - wild mangoes. Andy Hogg, 44, Director at the Bushcamp Company that runs the Mfuwe Lodge, has lived ...

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Hammerskjoeld Simwinga was named after the former UN chief

Zambian wins "Nobel green prize"

2007-04-23 - Luangwa, Zambia.

A Zambian man has won a prestigious Goldman Prize for helping to curb widespread elephant poaching by setting up economic projects for villagers. Hammerskjoeld Simwinga wins $125,000 for the award, sometimes called the Nobel prize for the environment.

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Elephant poaching in Zambia continues unabated as recent DNA research pinpoints the Luangwa Valley as a major source of illegal ivory

2006-11-22 - Luangwa, Zambia. I.P.A. Manning

Elephants continue to be poached for their ivory and meat in Zambia: last week in the West Petauke Game Management Area of the Luangwa Valley, close to my camp on the Luangwa river, a cow herd was all but obliterated by a poaching gang. The meat from these elephant, from hippo and our now decimated herds of buffalo, is carried to the villages of Rufunsa and Lukwipa on the Great East Road, which links Malawi with the capital, Lusaka, and sold openly to motorists; the ivory, we now know, follows t...

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Marauding elephants on rampage in Mphuka’s chiefdom

2005-08-08 - Luangwa, Zambia.

Elephants have continued ravaging people’s winter gardens and granaries in Chief Mphuka’s area in Luangwa District threatening household food security for those depending on winter gardens for survival. Kabowo ward councillor, Foster Tembo revealed this to Luangwa District Commissioner, Kenneth Chipungu during a meeting held at Yapite Resettlement Scheme over the weekend.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Luangwa2008-10-01 - Luangwa, Zambia - Wild elephants stroll through hotel reception. 2007-04-23 - Luangwa, Zambia - Zambian wins "Nobel green prize" 2006-11-22 - Luangwa, Zambia - Elephant poaching in Zambia continues unabated as recent DNA research pinpoints the Luangwa Valley as a major source of illegal ivory 2005-08-08 - Luangwa, Zambia - Marauding elephants on rampage in Mphuka’s chiefdom

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