
Morrill Hall

2008-04-10 - Lincoln, United States.

Morrill hall has the largest mounted mammoth in the world and one of the world's premiere collections of fossil elephants. And like those elephants that never forget, folks will remember their visit here. Nebraska was once home to mammoths and a rich natural history. This week's One Tank Trip takes us to Morrill Hall on the campus of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. "We have something amazing around every corner here at Morrill Hall. People will see where we came from and where we're going ...

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A woolly mammoth tusk found by a Lincoln college student in a central Illinois creek bed has created a new mystery.

2006-10-27 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States.

Scholars thought the tusk was about 22,000 years old, but a laboratory in New Zealand, using accelerator mass spectrometry dating, has determined that the Sugar Creek mammoth apparently died about 11,600 years ago.. Illinois State Museum curator of geology Jeffrey Saunders, an expert on the Ice Age elephants, calls that "a surprisingly late date." It also is relatively close to when North American mammoths became extinct about 11,000 years ago.

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Mammoth undertaking at college

2006-10-26 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States. ANN KLOSE

A 22,000 year-old woolly mammoth tusk is eased very gently into the McKinstry Library on the Lincoln College campus Wednesday afternoon. The prehistoric artifact is now much drier and more intact than when student Judd McCullum found it in two parts in Sugar Creek a little more than a year ago. It's the largest mammoth tusk found in Illinois.

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Circus Heads To Legislature Wednesday

2006-01-25 - LINCOLN, Nebraska, United States.

Representatives of the producers of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus plan to speak out against a bill targeting elephant cruelty. The measure is one of the most talked about bills introduced this year. It would prohibit the use of bullhooks, electrical prods, ax handles and other devices on elephants in Nebraska. The bill would not ban elephants at circuses and zoos in the state.

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Revised elephant ordinance would benefit circus -- sort of

2005-07-27 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States. ANDREW HERRMANN

A revised proposal to restrict the display of elephants will be introduced in the City Council today -- but critics say the new measure would still effectively prohibit pachyderms at zoos and circuses. Under the ordinance sponsored by Ald. Mary Ann Smith (48th), Lincoln Park Zoo would need to devote 10 acres to every elephant. Zoos typically keep no fewer than three elephants at a time, making it impossible for the 35-acre Lincoln Park institution to host the animals.

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Alderman on elephants: Let"s "get to the bottom of this"

2005-05-03 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States. ANDREW HERRMANN

A City Council hearing on elephant conditions at Lincoln Park Zoo has been postponed - but that doesn't mean the heat is off for zoo officials, an alderman said Monday. Mary Ann Smith (48th), chair of the parks and recreation committee, has reset the hearing for after the postmortem examination of the animal "so we can get to the bottom of this.''

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Lincoln, Illinois2006-10-27 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States - A woolly mammoth tusk found by a Lincoln college student in a central Illinois creek bed has created a new mystery. 2006-10-26 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States - Mammoth undertaking at college 2005-07-27 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States - Revised elephant ordinance would benefit circus -- sort of 2005-05-03 - Lincoln, Illinois, United States - Alderman on elephants: Let"s "get to the bottom of this"

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