The darted elephants were quickly loaded and moved in the recovery vehicles  to the transport trucks to be woken up.

Thukela "problem elephants" captured and relocated to their new home in SanWild wildlife sanctuary

2006-11-13 - Limpopo, South Africa. Press release SanWild

In a daring and courageous elephant capture operation that started on Saturday morning a group of so-called "problem elephants" were captured and relocated to their new home in a wildlife sanctuary in Limpopo Province. Described by many as dangerous, crazy and damage causing, the small family herd of elephants browsed peacefully in their new home this morning unaware of the controversy their rescue had caused with a number of unsympathetic individuals that would rather have preferred to see them...

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SanWild is a rehabilitation and emergency rescue centre specializing in wild animals

Orphaned KwaZulu-Natal elephants rescued, move to new home in Limpopo

2006-10-10 - Limpopo, South Africa.

TWELVE elephants in KwaZulu-Natal that were to have been shot have been reprieved and will be moved a wildlife sanctuary in Limpopo, Animal Rights Africa said today. Due to a successful land restitution claim, the entire Thukela Biosphere Reserve, near Weenen, now has new owners who do not want the elephants on their newly returned land. The elephants, orphaned by culling in the Kruger National Park, were taken to Thukela Biosphere Reserve in the early 1990s.

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Two elephants shot in Limpopo

2006-07-18 - Limpopo, South Africa.

Two of more than 20 elephants that broke out of the Kruger National Park have been shot dead in the Giyani area, SABC radio news reported on Tuesday. It said rangers from the park in the Limpopo environmental affairs department killed the elephants because they were a threat to the local community. The other elephants were believed to have gone back to the Kruger National Park.

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Kruger elephants head for Mozambique

2005-03-27 - Limpopo, South Africa. Leon Marshall

The great elephant herds of the Kruger National Park, under threat of culling, are migrating in growing numbers across the border into Mozambique's adjacent Limpopo Park.

Flying by helicopter over Limpopo Park last Friday, we could see several herds and single bulls moving through the bush that had formerly been denuded of game by Mozambique's protracted war and by serving as a coutada, or hunting ground, under earlier Portuguese colonial rule.

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Two elephants in historic vasectomy operation

2005-02-11 - Limpopo, South Africa. SABC News

A vasectomy has been performed on two elephants at the Mabalingwe nature reserve outside Bela-Bela in the Limpopo province. The operation performed by a team of local and international veterinarians is the first of its kind in the world.

It is hoped that the operation will help solve the problem of the overpopulated elephant family. The first operation succeeded without any complications and the young bull headed for its breeding herd. Its mate died of undetermined complications ...

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5 Headlines about Elephants from Limpopo2006-11-13 - Limpopo, South Africa - Thukela "problem elephants" captured and relocated to their new home in SanWild wildlife sanctuary 2006-10-10 - Limpopo, South Africa - Orphaned KwaZulu-Natal elephants rescued, move to new home in Limpopo 2006-07-18 - Limpopo, South Africa - Two elephants shot in Limpopo 2005-03-27 - Limpopo, South Africa - Kruger elephants head for Mozambique 2005-02-11 - Limpopo, South Africa - Two elephants in historic vasectomy operation

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