Camera trapping survey captures newest country

Remote cameras offer glimpse into the forgotten forests of South Sudan

2015-12-09 - Khartoum, Sudan.

Over six months, the camera traps captured more than 20,000 wildlife images, including the first pictures of forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) ever taken in South Sudan.The cameras also found a number of other species never before recorded in South Sudan (or in pre-independence records) including the African golden cat, water chevrotain, red river hog and giant pangolin.

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Groups: Sudan must fight elephant poachers

2005-03-17 - KHARTOUM, Sudan. MOHAMED OSMAN

International groups fighting the poaching of ivory accuse Sudanese officials of doing too little to stop a trade that is rapidly reducing the numbers of elephants in Africa.

But in sprawling Sudanese markets where ivory curios are sold, merchants complain the wildlife authorities are too diligent, if anything. They accuse officials of harassment by carrying out checks to see if they are selling legal, antique ivory. They are wary of speaking to a reporter.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from KHARTOUM2015-12-09 - Khartoum, Sudan - Remote cameras offer glimpse into the forgotten forests of South Sudan 2005-03-17 - KHARTOUM, Sudan - Groups: Sudan must fight elephant poachers

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