
Fire kills 26 animals at Karlsruhe Zoo, elephants saved by director and keepers

2010-11-13 - Karlsruhe, Germany.

The elephants and hippos at Karlsruhe Zoo were rescued in dramatic circumstances on Friday night after a fire which had already killed a number of animals threatened to spread to their enclosure. Fire broke out in the petting area of the zoo, killing all 26 animals kept there, including sheep, African dwarf goats, alpacas, Shetland ponies and Sardinian dwarf donkeys. It would seem only the doves which were housed there could escape.

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List of artificial insemination (AI) of elephants at

2010-04-29 - Karlsruhe, Germany.

The page about elephant insemination on is now further developed so you can see which elephants were born through AI (32 in the list), and which bulls have so far been used (16 in the list), and how many offspring they have. The list may be incomplete.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Karlsruhe2010-11-13 - Karlsruhe, Germany - Fire kills 26 animals at Karlsruhe Zoo, elephants saved by director and keepers 2010-04-29 - Karlsruhe, Germany - List of artificial insemination (AI) of elephants at

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