
2008-03-05 - Kasane, Botswana.

A Kasane Magistrate Court last week fined two Chinese men P4 000 each or three months imprisonment for unlawful possession of elephant tusk and entering Botswana through an ungazetted point. Mr Mohutsiwa said the men were arrested after a tip off from Zimbabwean police that they cut tusk from a dead elephant. We confronted the men at Lesoma and we found the tusks, said Mr Mohutsiwa. The two men are Jian Hua Guo and Bian Hua Zahang of Shandong in BOPA

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Elephants continue to die mysteriously in the Chobe National Park.

2005-06-29 - KASANE, Botswana.

According to wildlife biologist Frederick Dipotso, the cause of death is yet to be diagnosed. He said in the past two months they have identified 20 elephant carcasses of which five were in the Chobe River. "We managed to pull out two which were nearer to the river bank." He said the surveillance team found less than 10 buffalo carcasses.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from KASANE2008-03-05 - Kasane, Botswana - 2005-06-29 - KASANE, Botswana - Elephants continue to die mysteriously in the Chobe National Park.

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