2013-05-14 - KANCHANABURI, Thailand.
A mahout was killed by an elephant in Sai Yok district yesterday, police said. The incident took place at Mahawang elephant camp in Moo 6 of tambon Wang Krajae, Sai Yok district police station chief Pol Col Bandit Muangsukham said. Witness Rawee Wongnongphlab, 29, who also works at the camp, told police the elephant, a female called Bua Ngern, became agitated when the mahout, 19-year-old Phech Prueksa, tried to unchain it.
2012-01-31 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Authorities in Kanchanaburi and from the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department have seized 51 elephants from three elephant camps in Sai Yok district for inspection. Two more camps will be inspected this week in an effort to stop people taking the identity papers of dead elephants and passing the documents off as those of elephants taken from the wild.
2011-11-25 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
A 50-year-old British man has dragged a piano up a mountain in Thailand - so he could play Beethoven for blind elephants. Paul Barton achieved a long-held ambition as he sat behind his piano, just a few metres away for the graceful giants, calmly playing his instrument. He decided to do the challenge to help fund raising for the blind elephants, which live in a sanctuary on the mountains of Kanchanaburi, north-east of Bangkok.
2010-09-13 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Taiwan donated US$10,000 to a Thai wildlife conservation group Monday as part of its efforts to help protect elephants and their natural habitat in the southwestern. It marked the third consecutive year that Taiwan has given funding to the Elephant Conservation Network (ECN) , which works to secure the future of elepha
2006-07-31 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand. PIYARAT CHONGCHAROEN
Eight elephants were finally flown out of the country to Australia yesterday, despite ongoing protests by animal rights activists demanding proof they were not caught in the wild. They left the naval airport at U-tapao, in Chon Buri, aboard a huge Russian-made Antonov transport plane yesterday on a five-hour flight to Australia's Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean. They will be quarantined there before going to Melbourne Zoo or Taronga Zoo in Sydney.
2006-06-30 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand. PIYAPORN WONGRUANG
The Australian government will speed up the export of eight Thai elephants to Australian zoos, without DNA testing to prove the animals' origin as demanded by conservation groups, an embassy official said yesterday. Australian officials have been preparing a new air freight schedule to transfer the elephants to Taronga Zoo in Sydney and Melbourne Zoo after protests stopped them airlifting the animals earlier this month, said the source.
2006-06-20 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Eight Asian elephants earmarked for Australian zoos are in good condition at a quarantine station in Thailand, but there is still no firm date for their arrival. The elephants remain in quarantine at Kanchanaburi, in western Thailand, after an attempt to transport them to Bangkok Airport on June 6 was blocked by animal rights protesters.
2006-06-08 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Animal rights protesters who blocked the transfer of eight Asian elephants from Thailand to Australia placed the animals under "horrific stress," Environment Minister Ian Campbell said yesterday. He said it could be some weeks before the animals are brought to Australia. A group of protesters stopped trucks carrying the elephants from leaving a quarantine station in the western Thai province of Kanchanaburi late Monday, bound for Bangkok's airport.
2004-01-18 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Pornprapa Rattanadang, The Nation
The inventor of a denture fitted to an 80-year-old elephant, allowing it to eat normally, has applied for a patent for the device. "It has been a great success," said Somsak Jitniyom of the Mount Chayarat Centre for Research and Technology Transfer.
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