2023-03-15 - Jinan, China.
An Asian elephant named Yaqi at Jinan Zoo in East China's Shandong Province died of multiple organ failure on Monday, the zoo announced, breaking heart of netizens. Yaqi would no longer embrace the spring together with us. His departure breaks heart of everyone who loved him," a notice released by the zoo read. Yaqi was an Asian elephant born on June 14, 2020.
2008-06-23 - Jinan, United States. Xinhua News
An elephant gets a cold shower at the Jinan Zoo in Jinan, Shandong Province on Sunday, June 22, 2008. The zoo tried to keep its animals cool as the temperature hit 37.2 degrees Celsius (98.9 degrees Fahrenheit).
2007-01-19 - Jinan, China.
"Altogether, seven endangered animals now have difficulties in finding a mate, and most of them are male," zoo manager Wu Kongju said. They include rhinoceros, black ape, musk deer, elephant, golden monkey and zebra. "If an elephant wants to go on a journey to mate, it is impossible to find a cage and truck big enough to transport it," Wu said as an example. Liya was brought from Beijing Zoo to mate with Yakun in May 2006. The two finally fell in love in September. According to Wu, the major rea...
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